Ladakh Flash Point

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Moderator - World Affairs
Sounds very rosy from chinese perspective, but it can be other way round. More Chinese soldiers died in Galwan, and CCP is scared to admit and even honor its fallen soldiers . Same story with its propaganda on admitting real Corona numbers . No country in the world trusts CCP.

Why doesn't India release photos and videos to prove this? Oh, they don't want to release the videos of their humiliating defeat.

Most of Indian society know the battle was disproportionate, "winners" don't demand "revenge".


Registered Member
Why doesn't India release photos and videos to prove this? Oh, they don't want to release the videos of their humiliating defeat.

Most of Indian society know the battle was disproportionate, "winners" don't demand "revenge".

They released the video of a group of savages beating one Chinese soldiers who disembarked from a vehicle to talk, as he is the liaison officer. So one really has to wonder IF Indian media and emotional fanboy claims of killing dozens of PLA is true, why they are so hesitant to even release a single photograph when they are obviously enthusiastic in sharing visual evidence. I mean the Chinese side leaked some photos of dead Indians soldiers with fatal head injuries.

Occupying land India claims and not publicly announcing that PLA is occupying Indian claimed lands lines up perfectly with the theory that the CCP is giving this a low profile to avoid Indian emotions getting out of control. In this vacuum of noise from the Chinese side, the Indians are creating their own make beliefs. None of the Indian stories are confirmed by Indian officials or verified by anyone other than "anonymous sources" and two international tabloid opinion pieces. Probably arms of Indian fake news brigade as verified by an EU based NGO lol embarrassing and cheap.

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Few could have imagined that India was such a pushover, losing every important strategic goal in this struggle with China and relegating itself to soothing its wounded bhakt ego through various forms of disinformation even Washington's media puppets are embarrassed to parrot and report on. CCP has so far played this perfectly; hitting every goal with minimal effort and throwing the bhakts a well chewed bone in the form of their own echo chamber noise making. How low to think they are satisfied with the unconfirmed, unverified, most likely fictional stories of heroic Bihar soldiers killing PLA. Meanwhile PLA actually smashed Bihar skulls - confirmed and verified (but NOT shown off or hyped by CCP or Chinese media!) and PLA takes Indian claimed lands.

The difference between China and India is China actually achieves and accomplishes and DOESN'T make a lot of noise about it or even announce it. India fails and gets humiliated in the real world and soothes itself with fiction the likes of which superpower 2012 movement (shared and believed by most Indian leaders and people) would already be embarrassed about.



Registered Member
The Swamy tweet is proof that having failed SuperPower PPT presentation 2012, India went for the next lie, exceed China by 2020 and be a US peer. This is the bhakt standard and reputation for modesty, truth, honesty, and objectivity. India surpassing China by 2020 is almost more believable than Indian army killing dozens of PLA.


Junior Member
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Few could have imagined that India was such a pushover, losing every important strategic goal in this struggle with China and relegating itself to soothing its wounded bhakt ego through various forms of disinformation even Washington's media puppets are embarrassed to parrot and report on. CCP has so far played this perfectly; hitting every goal with minimal effort and throwing the bhakts a well chewed bone in the form of their own echo chamber noise making. How low to think they are satisfied with the unconfirmed, unverified, most likely fictional stories of heroic Bihar soldiers killing PLA. Meanwhile PLA actually smashed Bihar skulls - confirmed and verified (but NOT shown off or hyped by CCP or Chinese media!) and PLA takes Indian claimed lands.

The difference between China and India is China actually achieves and accomplishes and DOESN'T make a lot of noise about it or even announce it. India fails and gets humiliated in the real world and soothes itself with fiction the likes of which superpower 2012 movement (shared and believed by most Indian leaders and people) would already be embarrassed about.

View attachment 61541
Feels like 02/27/2019 all over again


Senior Member
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Few could have imagined that India was such a pushover, losing every important strategic goal in this struggle with China and relegating itself to soothing its wounded bhakt ego through various forms of disinformation even Washington's media puppets are embarrassed to parrot and report on. CCP has so far played this perfectly; hitting every goal with minimal effort and throwing the bhakts a well chewed bone in the form of their own echo chamber noise making. How low to think they are satisfied with the unconfirmed, unverified, most likely fictional stories of heroic Bihar soldiers killing PLA. Meanwhile PLA actually smashed Bihar skulls - confirmed and verified (but NOT shown off or hyped by CCP or Chinese media!) and PLA takes Indian claimed lands.

The difference between China and India is China actually achieves and accomplishes and DOESN'T make a lot of noise about it or even announce it. India fails and gets humiliated in the real world and soothes itself with fiction the likes of which superpower 2012 movement (shared and believed by most Indian leaders and people) would already be embarrassed about.

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Forget about overtaking China, India's supposed transition into the world's next big factory never occurred either. I remember in the late 2000s and early 2010s about how everyone was saying India would become the next manufacturing powerhouse and that Made in China would become Made in India. They just took this for granted. Now India's lunch is getting eaten up by countries like Bangladesh, the Philippines, and especially Vietnam. When did you hear Vietnam's government and Vietnamese people constantly bombard the internet about Vietnam is going to become a huge manufacturing hub? Never. And here we are looking at the emergence of a powerful Vietnamese manufacturing center that was supposed to be India's for taking.


Registered Member
Anyone aware of the political and military situation in India would have predicted that they were total pushovers.

Military without logistics, United Nations made equipment that's impossible to replenish, reliance on buying severely marked up weapons from China's biggest ally. I guarantee even those ancient S-200 would have some sort of kill switch built in.

On the economic front, in terms of innovation they have no innovation. Name one Indian household brand. You can't have a superpower economy without having invested in research first. Germany, Japan, China that rebuilt themselves from totally ruined economies all had extensive R&D followed by industrial output. India's economy is not built on value adding transactions, it is like Brazil's. They would be middle income trap if not for the fact they might struggle to even reach middle income. To be honest they might be said to be in low income trap like most countries in Africa.

Anyone who knew the reality on the ground would predict them being pushovers.

Waqar Khan

Junior Member
Registered Member
Sounds very rosy from chinese perspective, but it can be other way round. More Chinese soldiers died in Galwan, and CCP is scared to admit and even honor its fallen soldiers . Same story with its propaganda on admitting real Corona numbers . No country in the world trusts CCP.
CCP and china are in-separable,this American mantra is being echoed by India to try to create an impression that people and leadership in China have some division,its absurd.Actually,if you look at domestic debate in Indian media,RSS leadership and people of India are totally divided,even mainstream political parties are calling for accountability of Modi and his stooges for failing to defend Indian territory.Indian fault lines are enormous,from Hindu Muslim divide to caste system and from,Cow belt vs the rest,India is today disunited. Khalistan Nagaland,Gorkhaland,Occupied Kashmir,Naxal Republic,Dravida Nadu,Dalitstan and many more India is splitting at her seam.

Waqar Khan

Junior Member
Registered Member
Modi visit to so called forward areas called Nimoo is hillarious. This locationis even in the rear of Leh,which itself is Headquarters of 14 Corps. Indian media thinks this town 140 kms away from the LAC is a forward area,and Millions of RSS guys believe it that Modi has met the troops in forward area,whom are they bluffing


Lieutenant General
Forget about overtaking China, India's supposed transition into the world's next big factory never occurred either. I remember in the late 2000s and early 2010s about how everyone was saying India would become the next manufacturing powerhouse and that Made in China would become Made in India. They just took this for granted. Now India's lunch is getting eaten up by countries like Bangladesh, the Philippines, and especially Vietnam. When did you hear Vietnam's government and Vietnamese people constantly bombard the internet about Vietnam is going to become a huge manufacturing hub? Never. And here we are looking at the emergence of a powerful Vietnamese manufacturing center that was supposed to be India's for taking.

Taking things for granted is pretty much the story of India’s life.

The western near-religious obsession with crediting ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ for everything good that happens under the sun dovetails nicely with Indian ultranationalists’ and racial supremacists’ idea of Hindu racial superiority and manifest destiny to create the perfect story where most Indians seem to think success and fortune is somehow a birthright instead of something they have to work hard to achieve.

Indian fantasies about being the new factory of the world was stillborn to start with. Rather than try to put that dream in the NICU to try to breath some life back into it, what India has now done with its economic ‘war’ against China is to shoot that baby in the head, repeatedly.

Leaving aside China’s comprehensive push towards climbing the tech/value ladder, developments in robotics and increasing automation to offset its increasing labour costs, China has already earmarked where the world’s new light manufacturing powerhouse will be, and it is busy building the infrastructure there that enabled China’s own manufacturing rise.

On top of that, China now owns the lion share of the world’s factories, so it will be up to Chinese companies to decide where they offshore their labour intensive low margin manufacturing that isn’t worth keeping in China as wages continue to rise. India was nowhere near the top of that list to start with, and its new hostile economic environment PR BS against Chinese companies will only ensure it comes near the bottom, maybe even lower than active war zones like Syria and Yemen.
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