Ladakh Flash Point

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Forget about overtaking China, India's supposed transition into the world's next big factory never occurred either. I remember in the late 2000s and early 2010s about how everyone was saying India would become the next manufacturing powerhouse and that Made in China would become Made in India. They just took this for granted. Now India's lunch is getting eaten up by countries like Bangladesh, the Philippines, and especially Vietnam. When did you hear Vietnam's government and Vietnamese people constantly bombard the internet about Vietnam is going to become a huge manufacturing hub? Never. And here we are looking at the emergence of a powerful Vietnamese manufacturing center that was supposed to be India's for taking.

The Indians are UNSURPASSED when it comes to counting their chickens before they hatch and making enough noise around the world so some outside India even believe them for half a second. When they inevitably get exposed, the world ignores it because no one cares about India. So just like Indians loudly proclaiming they will replace made in China with made in India and then it gets exposed as a failure even 10 years after the trends and celebrations, they will also do nothing in Ladakh and their economic war is doomed to fail before it has even begun properly. The Indians now are busy saying how they will respond militarily and how their economic war will destroy China (lol) but like their superpower 2012 chit chat, we all know how it will end for them.

So just like superpower 2012 and surpassing China economically by 2020, Indian words are rather lacking in reputation and value. For those who have worked closely with Indians and Indian companies, this is NO surprise.

I also recall Indians telling the internet how awesome and dominant a not even ready fictional fighter, FGFA, will be when it reaches IAF. How those idiots quietened up. You see Indians have been caught out on lies and bullshit more times than the rest of the world combined in modern history, but they are never called out on it because we just don't care enough about the lowlifes. However in light of recent events, it pays to remember some of these dotpoints and note them. This way we don't think too much of Indian threats and warnings. Maybe those are worth a laugh and that's about it.


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When I look at the China-India standoff, it looks like there will be a quiet de-escalation and withdrawal by both sides when the winter arrives.

India's claim to be defending Indian territory from Chinese soldiers is based on the Princely State of Jammu and Kashmir being part of India.

But the Indian media keeps overlooking the fact that Kashmir is actually disputed between Pakistan and India.
The constant conflicts between India and Pakistan indicate this reality.

So a big part of Chinese calculations is based on what happens with Pakistan and the Kashmir Valley.

We can see Pakistan initiating more incidents on the Line of Control with India.
The Pakistan Army is also coordinating its army deployments with China.

And also look at what is happening in the Kashmir Valley.
It does sound like the 7 million people in the Kashmir Valley are ready to explode against the occupying Indian Army, if they think it would be successful, which means Pakistan/Chinese intervention.

What should China/Pakistan do in such a scenario?

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  • 1959, Zhou Enlai offers to accept the McMahon Line in the East, if India accepts China's claims in the West
  • Nehru rejects
  • 1962 war, China wins but decides to withdraw forces from Ladakh unilaterally, asking India to do the same
  • India refuses
  • 1976: DMZ and patrolling limits established with new ROEs (including the 'no weapons while patrolling' rule)
  • 1993: "LAC" established
  • China begins building infrastructure and amassing troops in its new theater command
  • India keeps focusing all its energy against Pakistan
  • 2010: China declares that it doesn't have a 'border' with India in Ladakh (validating Pakistan's claim on Kashmir.)
  • 2015 PLA's strategic reforms begin
  • 2017: Doklam happens
  • 2019: India unilaterally annexes Kashmir/Ladakh by revoking article 370
  • China responds by throwing out the 1993 agreement plus the '62 status quo
  • 2020: China advances into Indian territory in multiple places, demanding that India accept its 1959 claim line (only this time, China isn't offering anything in return)
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