Demchok has been inhabited for centuries. About 5-6 hundred people live there, mostly nomads. Almost all of them are local ladakhis, with the few non natives mostly being tibetan refugees who settled there in the 60s.
visited the area in 1847, he described Demchok as a "hamlet divided by a rivulet [the Lhari stream]", with settlements on both the sides of the stream. The stream was the prevailing border between Ladakh and Tibet.
A governor (
wazir-e-wazarat) of Ladakh visited the area in 1904–05 and found the Tibetan Demchok village housing 8 to 9 huts of zamindars (landholders) while the Ladakhi Demchok village had only two zamindars.
The information was corroborated by
, who travelled through the area in the November 1907.
According to the Indian government, the Ladakhi Demchok village was used for seasonal cutivation by nomadic farmers.