Where did I say that China was waging war? The only one talking waging war and beating the other side is you guys. So you should stop and think before you post because the only one following Nazi Germany's path is the one waging wars around the world and I don't see China at war with anyone at the moment.
If war is not a priority then why is the US fighting two wars then? You should really think about what you post because you're really sounding questionable now especially with the science fiction.
1. Science fiction? Trust me, you don't want to wake up tomorrow morning to find the earth enveloped in another ice age. It isn't science fiction, it's real. From past records, it can be reasonably concluded that ice ages occur every 30000 years or so, and guess what, the last ice age ended around 30000 years ago which means the next one can be here any day now. And yes, they come suddenly, which hasn't been explained yet.
2. I don't know why you put me as "the other side". I was born in PRC and I still consider myself Chinese, just that I'm not so blindly patriotic. America is doing everything it can to maintain world peace at the moment. When Iran claimed to want to develop nukes, what did China say? Nothing, because China wants America to be tied up in fighting with Iran so it can zoom ahead and reclaim Taiwan. China is not doing much to maintain world peace, given it's one of the five permanent security council members. Also, who bombed the World Trade Center and killed more than 3000 civilians? That's right, religious fanatics. Who's going to fight them? That's right, none other than America.