JH-7/JH-7A/JH-7B Thread


Senior Member
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

It was once said in this thread that this aircraft is indeed a "bomb truck". With this aircraft enormous capacity of internal fuel and drop tanks. The possibility is there for this platform to attack shipping, or other high value targets, from any point on the compass.

A poor man’s Tornado, and I mean that in a good way.

Yes a true poor man's Tornado.

The only clean sheet chinese fighter-bomber design from 1970s that survived into maturity. (if you discount J-8)

This airplane has also china's first domestic fbw, the original system is analogue new A version is digital.

although this thing has some problems.

not really built for high-g manuevers, (lost in exercise etc), the designer really tried to squeeze out every bit of payload-range.

for a long time , the first and ONLY regiment in service is stationed at DaChang base in Shanghai. PLANAF.

I used to live underneath the flight path of that base.


Senior Member
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Who knows Schumacher, it may just turn out like that!! A stealth version of the JH-7, would go good in combo with J-10Bs, JF-17/FC-1s and J-11Bs. More importantly, JH-7s need a more powerful, high performance engine. This would give it a competitive edge over its rivals and would also make it more marketable.

China really ought capitalize on the fact that it has so many different fighters and fighter-bombers in its arsenal now. And it should look at marketing these fighters to sell exclusively to its foremost allies or use them to gain new allies. Plus, it need not be mentioned, the money that China would make out of these military deals!!


Lieutenant General
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Who knows Schumacher, it may just turn out like that!! A stealth version of the JH-7, would go good in combo with J-10Bs, JF-17/FC-1s and J-11Bs. More importantly, JH-7s need a more powerful, high performance engine. This would give it a competitive edge over its rivals and would also make it more marketable.

China really ought capitalize on the fact that it has so many different fighters and fighter-bombers in its arsenal now. And it should look at marketing these fighters to sell exclusively to its foremost allies or use them to gain new allies. Plus, it need not be mentioned, the money that China would make out of these military deals!!

If you are going to design a stealthy striker, you might as well start from scratch with a clean slate instead of trying to adapt the JH7 design. It will be easier.

I know that SAC is supposed to have their own fifth gen that they are shopping to the PLAAF, but I would have much preferred it if they teamed up with XAC to jointly develop a stealth striker designed as such from the offset instead of an air dominance airframe shoehorned into the striker role because the J20 already won the air dominance contract.

As weapons exports, well China's problem atm is that much of what they field is especially designed for the PLAAF's unique needs (the JH7 is a good example of this, who else needs or could afford such a large dedicated striker with such massive range and weapons load and couldn't make one themselves?), and it only very recently that Chinese defense products are starting to approach western kit in terms of capabilities. In addition, the PLA reserves the best Chinese weapons exclusively for themselves (why the J10A has had no sales - it wasn't on sale), so no chance of seeing the J20 on the market anytime soon, if ever. Although things might start to change if/when the J10A/B are placed on the export market.

There are quite a few countries who were interested in the J10A, and if the J10B was on offer, with some TOT and typically low Chinese prices, well, that could potentially really bend the Eurocanards' noses out of shape and steal the kinds of contracts that they have been bidding for, but never quite winning because of the typically high European prices.


Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Stand off land attack missiles, with some 200 km range. Comes in active radar, EO, anti radiation guidance versions.

I can see the 6 round dumb bomb hard points. I still think if they can replace those with guidance kits instead. I know LS-6, LT-3 and FT-3 are all capable of being fit to 250 kg dumb bombs. Halving them to 3 round hardpoints can be used for smaller planes like J-10.

I'm surprised that the Chinese have not built a counterpart to the Storm Shadow or the KEPD 350. Pakistan has one and the US has the JASSM.

There were rumors that a YJ-85 and YJ-22 (with 400 km range) is being developed but so far the books that mentioned them aren't able to give any additional information.


Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

If you are going to design a stealthy striker, you might as well start from scratch with a clean slate instead of trying to adapt the JH7 design. It will be easier.

I know that SAC is supposed to have their own fifth gen that they are shopping to the PLAAF, but I would have much preferred it if they teamed up with XAC to jointly develop a stealth striker designed as such from the offset instead of an air dominance airframe shoehorned into the striker role because the J20 already won the air dominance contract.

As weapons exports, well China's problem atm is that much of what they field is especially designed for the PLAAF's unique needs (the JH7 is a good example of this, who else needs or could afford such a large dedicated striker with such massive range and weapons load and couldn't make one themselves?), and it only very recently that Chinese defense products are starting to approach western kit in terms of capabilities. In addition, the PLA reserves the best Chinese weapons exclusively for themselves (why the J10A has had no sales - it wasn't on sale), so no chance of seeing the J20 on the market anytime soon, if ever. Although things might start to change if/when the J10A/B are placed on the export market.

There are quite a few countries who were interested in the J10A, and if the J10B was on offer, with some TOT and typically low Chinese prices, well, that could potentially really bend the Eurocanards' noses out of shape and steal the kinds of contracts that they have been bidding for, but never quite winning because of the typically high European prices.

Somebody posted this a while back:


Can anyone tell me where this was got?


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Senior Member
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

As the 3xxxx JH-7A is standing in front of an oldish hangar, it could hardly be Jiangxin, where every is being built anew. So it ought to be Hangzhou-Jianqiao, i.e 28 Attack Div 83 Regt.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Female JH-7 pilots:



Link to the story here:

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The pilot covered in the story has the same lastname as me... Interesting coincidence.