JH-7/JH-7A/JH-7B Thread


Banned Idiot
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread




  不过,中国航空工业界的消息来源声称:歼轰-7A由于装备了多功能的JL10A型雷达,作战性能已经倍增,主要的精确制导武器也是国产的,例如 KD88电视制导导弹、LT2500版激光制导炸弹、YJ92反雷达导弹等。依照其 6.5-7吨的载重量,超过1000公里的作战半径(机内燃油),总体战斗力并不输给苏-30MKK很多。以中国的标准而言,歼轰-7A的确是很实用的歼击轰炸机,制导系统、地形测绘和跟踪系统等基本的对地攻击功能应有尽有,而且容易操作,因为安装了自动驾驶装置。







according to the latest issue of Kanwa, PLAAF is satisfied with JH-7A,despite one aircraft were lost to accident during joint russia China military excercise. the while acknowledge the aircraft short coming when compare to SU-30MKK, one advantage is JH-7A is much cheaper to operate and built.
already different variant already been introduce such as escort jammer, reccon and recently one JH-7A was spotted carrying data link.this indicate PLAAF intend to extend her service beyond 2020.(possible reengine to replace antique spey engine)
stealth version already develop for the last 5 years, the aircraft adapted DSI inlet, RAM material,bubble canopy, but to date none were seen ,yet


Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

I’m in agreement. This aircraft fits the bill that it was designed for. As a naval attack aircraft can you imagine a squadron of JH-7’s armed with a couple of external fuel tanks, two anti-shipping missiles (YJ-82) and some medium range air to air missiles for self-defense?
The aircraft is large enough to carry sufficient fuel for it’s missions and along with a large airframe comes a large random for an equally large radar system and avionics package.
The JH-7B may not be as luxurious as the Tornado, or small and agile as the Jaguar. But it’s a hard-hitting and robust aircraft that perform its intended tasks. I would rather have a squadron of JH-7B’s over a similar number of Super Etendard’s


Junior Member
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Maybe you more experienced aviation fans can answer this put is there a cost effective way to increase the JH-7 series' payload beyond the JH-7A's increase in payload?


Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

The main problem with the JH-7 series is its reliance on the licensed production of a foreign power plant. We see the same thing with the J-10 and the L-15. Once China has perfected its engine manufacturing system then it will truly be independent from outside reliance. Once that happens the Chinese aircraft industry will begin to produce some even more remarkable designs.


Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Maybe you more experienced aviation fans can answer this put is there a cost effective way to increase the JH-7 series' payload beyond the JH-7A's increase in payload?

The Spey engines on the JH-7 is underpowered. With a more powerful domestic engine, like the WS10 or something else, the JH-7 has a strong potential to be an even better strike platform, a role the PLAAF is traditionally weak and needs to correct. With two powerful engines, any future JH-7 variant will be able to carry much greater payloads. A JH-7 variant (with Chinese developed power plants) would undoubtedly have superior compatibility with other Chinese aircraft, which is a strong logistical advantage. With the same fire control radar system as the SU-30MKK the platform would be compatible to both Russian and Chinese ordinance.


Banned Idiot
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

The Spey engines on the JH-7 is underpowered. With a more powerful domestic engine, like the WS10 or something else, the JH-7 has a strong potential to be an even better strike platform, a role the PLAAF is traditionally weak and needs to correct. With two powerful engines, any future JH-7 variant will be able to carry much greater payloads. A JH-7 variant (with Chinese developed power plants) would undoubtedly have superior compatibility with other Chinese aircraft, which is a strong logistical advantage. With the same fire control radar system as the SU-30MKK the platform would be compatible to both Russian and Chinese ordinance.

one solution is reengine it Ws-13.
WS-10 like AL-31F is simple to big to fit inside the JH-7 airframe.


Senior Member
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread


It's mentioned right in the article that the JH-7A uses the WS-9 engine, and the fact that it uses an engine that is completely indigenous, from production to maintenance, is one of the biggest selling points of the aircraft.


Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

one solution is reengine it Ws-13.
WS-10 like AL-31F is simple to big to fit inside the JH-7 airframe.

The WS9 is a licensed copy of the Rolls Royce RB168 Spey, which is still not a 100% indigenous manufacture. As mentioned before the WS9/Spey is underpowered for this particular aircraft. Granted the fighter/bomber performs its task well and is an excellent aircraft. The question presented by Semi-Lobster was how the aircraft could be improved on. I simple presented an option of improved domestically produced power plants that are 100% Chinese origin and avionic compatible with the SU-30. Granted there many be other options, but these are the two that stand out.
The statistic for the two engines that could be used on the JH-7 (compared to the WS9) are as follows:

Type length diameter weight thrust thrust AB
WS9 5.2m 1.1m 1860kg 54kN 91kN
WS10 4.9m 0.9m 1570kg 74kN 122kN
WS13 4.2m 1.0m 51kN 86kN

The problem with using the WS13 is that the thrust is comparable to the WS9. The WS10 has more thrust in both normal and after burner than both of the other power plants. Additionally the WS10 and the WS13 are smaller and weigh less than the WS9


Senior Member
Re: JH-7/JH-7A Thread

Where did you hear that it's still not 100% indigenous? They had a great deal of problems with producing the engine in the '80s, I think it's been resolved by now. I believe the WS-15 is the engine being developed to replace the WS-9.