JF-17 Thunder / FC-1 News, Discussion & Media


Junior Member
FreeAsia2000 said:

The real crazy question is why Pakistan is going to buy even the handful
of F-16's ?

The JF-17 is needed to replace the ROSES and in that sense it will do it's
job. The J-10 will fulfill the air-superiority fighter requirement however
why on earth is Pakistan proposing to spend nearly $2 billion on F-16's ?

The J-10 will defintely be upgraded and i'm pretty confident that Pakistan
will have capable AA missiles by then.
Interim solution. PAF needs fighters NOW to fill it's ranks. JF-17 and J-10 both will take some time. F-16 A/Bs with MLU will be able to the airsupriority and strike missions where as the advanced versions will make up the front line fighters doing specialized missions like SEAD/DEAD airsupriority over battle field/enemy airspace and deep strikes.

If you look at it, it's pretty much philosphy of our Chinese friends to walk on two legs :D

Gollevainen said:
No thats propaply something that you need to basis your counter arguments one. I usually mean what I write. Im not that good english speaker that I have the luxury of surfing behind the words that much.
Thats how it appeared, the assertion that while China should be concentrating on next gen fighter like it's competetitors it is wasting time on '2nd rate' fighter. I am sorry if thats what you didn't mean.

well basicly my orginal point was to cool down the general discusion that fantasyed over the propaganda that JF-17 is somewhat important milestone in aviation history or compable to F-16. If it offends you so much I can "whitdrawn" my words, as long as it takes to avoid us to drop into useless depate
Not at all Golly. My only problem (proplem if you like it that way ;) ) is that people make generalizations without backing it up proof. Trust me it's not just one side i am furstrated with, it's two sides. One side makes JF-17 look like something in the class of F/A-22 and the other one tries to portray JF-17 as a meuseum relic. The truth is that it's neither. It's plane that was designed and produced because Pakistan wanted independence from western suppliers who cut the supplies whenever they wish. Then comes price 'because' it was to be fielded in great numbers and fill lo side of the fleet.

well what I understand from your own writings was that JF-17 is specially desinged to fit PAF needs. Now you are saying (the same thing that I tryed to say) that there is certain doctrine that JF-17 fits in well. These two things are totally different matters and you should also carefull whar you post...
Well to me the one flows logically from the other. If you think about it what would airforce need? Whatever fits their doctrine. But i did use the word doctrine if i recall correctly and that i mentioned in my last post as well. Any way sorry for the misunderstanding if anywhere i didn't use the right term.

those are all 'advantages' of JF-17 and I think that no one has tryed to deny them. Thougth posting it as some sort of counter arguments against my case that JF-17 is still rather limited desing is too narrow wieved. The overal conclusion of JF-17 comes when you compare these advantages to its downfalls and possiple solutions.
Golly thats where i say see it in the light of the user who will operate it. If we are to start comparing planes like that then everything is '2nd class' compared to F/A-22. Thats exactly what i have been pointing out that if we are to generalize this way and follow this logic then alot can be said about alot many fighters and not just JF-17. Jf-17 is a very limited design and their is no denying it. But if we are applying standards from different category to a plane that belongs to differnt category then thats a mistake IMO. If JF-17 were to compete in F-16 category then it would be a J-10 and FC-1. Thats exactly why Pakistan is going for more F-16s and J-10s for hi role and JF-17 on lo side.
small and poor airforce like Pakistan has not afford to waste its money to build quantative force to counter bigger and stronger opponents. Ideal solution would be building smaller but 'qualative' force where JF-17 becomes useless. Having dedicated planes for different task and 'ends' is luxury of large air arms whit organic aviation industry. Countryes like Pakistan needs single plane type adequote enough to full fill all the three major task of fighters.
You are pretty much contradicting me and then using the saem argument as me. Your first point regarding less but qualitative airforce means a single type doing all sorts of missions. Now tell me who would 'waste' a capable fighter like F-16 or J-10 doing CAS or something that A-5 does in PAF?? How are you going to generate enough sorties if you dont have enough numbers?? Battles are not about fighter versus fighter. Battles pit airfroces against airforces. The argument for quantity still holds truth and even the top most airforces use a lo fighter for missions on which they wouldn't want to lose an expensive and much more capable fighter.

JF-17 doesent fit in this picture. In paper yes, it looks like good and ideal ighter for small nations but Pakistan faces security threats of much larger scale. For that purpose, Pakistan would need plane more of J-10 capapility.
But thats just theoretical thinking, realism is different. JF-17 is going to be introduced to PAF wheter we like it or not. Its Pakistans sole obtion. So it doesent help you much to imagine some sort of 'doctrines' how its going to become the next generation of reserve or second line component od PAF to replace its Mirage III and J-7s. It replaces them, but not in the same strategical concept. In past the situation dictated PAF to go on for building this 'second' tier, but now as Pakistan has the change to get some thing more of 1st line fighter that still isent as good as it supposed to be, its selfdeception to imagine things how it best fit in ones ones daydream.
PAF doctrine calls for very rapid raction within it's own airspace with enough capability to counter enemy threat. The tech improvements on this fighter are just to that end. Datalink and BVR seems to be the most obvious ones. Given the threat assesment they are more of a necessaty then a half hearted attempt to make JF-17 that it cannot become due to design constraints. JF-17 is for within home airspace. Your argument that the roles that are being filled in by Mirages and F-7 are not relevent anymore, i would want more from you than just that. When you have fighters like Jaguars, Mig-27,LCA, Harriers and Mig-29 in your threat list, Jf-17 makes much more sense. In past decade IAF has acquired less than 50 Sukhois. The claim of 190 MKIs is something i would like to see when that happens. The threat assesment doesn't call for an all next gen airforce when you don't have any power projection ambitions.
In that context a hi-lo mix works just fine. 70 or so high end F-16C/D and J-10s with a medium layer of F-16A/Bs and lo role being done by JF-17.

...And what comes to the J-10 and the fact that Pakistan didn't "choose" it instead of FC-1, you must remember that FC-1/JF-17 is basicly the result of the Super-7 program from the eightyes. The basic foundation of buying a small relatively modern fighter from china with Pakistan funds where layed back then. The US sanctions over F404 and APG-66 considerably slowed the program and thus came the present Fc-1. So Pakistan was making the intial decicion to buy the plane before the J-10 was even designed...simple as that.
Pakistan wasn't part of that program. Pakistan only joined FC-1 when Super seven was scrapped. Your assertion that J-10 wasn't even considered is totally correct and at that time Pakistan was prolly looking at western fighters to fill the hi role. Mirage -2000, Gripen and F-16s all have been considered again and again.That pretty much shows what i have been saying that JF-17 is not meant as a hi role fighter.Also if you think about it JF-17 is better prospect for indiginisation than a more complex J-10 or anyother fighter. It fits into this role as well.

Hohooo...dont even dare to venture on that road. There wasent anything personal in its negative meaning, only generalization and my personal style. Im the last person in this forum to you to seek possiple confrontation out of things that doesent exist;)
Lets call it quits then, you would never find me initiating personal remarks but if someone is gonna accuse me of something pretaining to my origin and not on substance of what i have to say then thats in bad taste. I concur however lets forget about it and move on.
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VIP Professional
Re: JF-17: New Pics

maglomanic said:
Interim solution. PAF needs fighters NOW to fill it's ranks. JF-17 and J-10 both will take some time. F-16 A/Bs with MLU will be able to the airsupriority and strike missions where as the advanced versions will make up the front line fighters doing specialized missions like SEAD/DEAD airsupriority over battle field/enemy airspace and deep strikes.

If you look at it, it's pretty much philosphy of our Chinese friends to walk on two legs :D

It looks that some people are forgetting that Pakistan at the time could not get fighter from any other source then China. US stopped delivery of ordered F-16s, France didn’t won’t to piss of India so M2000-5 was not the option and Russians never considered selling fighters to Pakistan.
They needed fighter to replace Mirages and j-7s and they were not able to buy things they wonted (and let’s not forget that Pakistani economy is not quite able to pay big quantity of modern fighters)… So they went whit jf-17, it is cheep, have decent level of capabilities they need and they can afford it… It is not best in the world but it will have to do…
As for F-16 they are not joust interim solution… Pakistan has F-16 already, they have trained pilots and maintenance crews for them, and they have maintenance facilities…
And it is still better then anything that China can offer them (I know that some people hate to hear that but that’s current situation like it or not)…
What interests me is what other engine jf-17 could use if Russians don’t allow engine deliveries to Pakistan?


Junior Member
Re: JF-17: New Pics

isthvan said:
It looks that some people are forgetting that Pakistan at the time could not get fighter from any other source then China. US stopped delivery of ordered F-16s, France didn’t won’t to piss of India so M2000-5 was not the option and Russians never considered selling fighters to Pakistan.
They needed fighter to replace Mirages and j-7s and they were not able to buy things they wonted (and let’s not forget that Pakistani economy is not quite able to pay big quantity of modern fighters)… So they went whit jf-17, it is cheep, have decent level of capabilities they need and they can afford it… It is not best in the world but it will have to do…
As for F-16 they are not joust interim solution… Pakistan has F-16 already, they have trained pilots and maintenance crews for them, and they have maintenance facilities…
And it is still better then anything that China can offer them (I know that some people hate to hear that but that’s current situation like it or not)…
What interests me is what other engine jf-17 could use if Russians don’t allow engine deliveries to Pakistan?

Air Cheif Marshal of PAF said that they have long stopped relying on F-16s fully and that now that due to strategic reasons they are available, even now they are being considered as bonus. Yes you are right about training and infrastructure and thats why they went for F-16 and not anyother western fighter (Gripen was high on list followed bgy M2K). But if you think about J-10 acquisation, Pakistan is trying to get independent of US influence in this regrad (weapon sales). PAF still considers blockage of supplies in future a real threat and is only going for types widely used (block 50 in newer types and MLUs in A/B) so that even if it's blocked again there will be some sort fo supply.

regarding engine, China has made assurances. However i would like to see WS-13A.


Junior Member
Re: JF-17: New Pics

maglomanic said:
Air Cheif Marshal of PAF said that they have long stopped relying on F-16s fully and that now that due to strategic reasons they are available, even now they are being considered as bonus.
I agree with the above. With JF-17 and J-10 ready for manufacture/purchase by the PAF, F-16s are indeed what the ACM said as a "bonus".
regarding engine, China has made assurances. However i would like to see WS-13A.
The WS-13 is an enhanced version of the RD-93 engine (that is meant for the PAF). According to Pakdef sources, it shall be ready by 2009. Thus, the first limited-series JF-17s are not likely be inducted into the PAF before 2010.


VIP Professional
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Re: JF-17: New Pics

maglomanic said:
Not at all Golly. My only problem (proplem if you like it that way ;) ) is that people make generalizations without backing it up proof. Trust me it's not just one side i am furstrated with, it's two sides. One side makes JF-17 look like something in the class of F/A-22 and the other one tries to portray JF-17 as a meuseum relic. The truth is that it's neither. It's plane that was designed and produced because Pakistan wanted independence from western suppliers who cut the supplies whenever they wish. Then comes price 'because' it was to be fielded in great numbers and fill lo side of the fleet.

In terms of good fighter prize and economicallity are important issues but how much you are ready to win in the ground by loosing in the air? but again this is more issue of obinions and strategical differences, as are much of the other parts of your post (for that and my dislike of 'quote-rallyes';) ) I try to answer to you more generally. Thougth all non F-22 fighters could be categorised as 2nd class, the fact is that PAF has the 'priviledge' of knowing it exact enemy, and that is IAF. And IAF isent going to field F-22 in this generation, more likely Rafale family plane or advanced Fulcrum models. Against that current PAF doctrine in my personal obinion is somewhat 'better-than-nothing' dictated by the circumstances, not by tactical innovation.
You mentioned that air forces manouvres against air forces, not plane vs. plane. Exactly that why PAF needs to simplyfy it maintanace to consentrate on one or two major combat plane that can perform all the task that PAFs current inventory does. But enough for overal PAF talk and back to JF-17.

PS. one last word, Aerospace Publishing's Encyclopedia of World military aircraft from 1994 mentions that Super-7 was desinged PAkistan in mind. So are their information somewhat 'false' or 'dated' or have i missed something else??


Banned Idiot
Re: JF-17: New Pics

The correlation between F16 and JF17 is repeated that often. Let us avoid basic argument that JF17 is not an US product so less good... It did actually indeed started as a optimized mig21. Now we have seen changes. The cockpit, BVR and lots of other options are included... Still I hear that it is less. Is it less then F16a/b? I don't think so. If the Chinese are not selling the latest then why would US sell latest to Pak? So we do not expect to be comparable with block60... Yet. To be honest... It is the US official statement not to sell latest to any customer. But exactly how much will block52 be better then latest JF17 (4)? We can argue about ground attack... With so many alternatives and much better and less risky cruisemissiles it is not even worth to use manned planes. In the air both have BVR and intrestin equipment. With nearly 50% lower cost and being the lo tech I don't think it is not good value for that price. And let us not even think about local production and innovation options. I had to laugh about assembling F16 by Turkey is same as Pakistan joining JF17. Never knew that Turkey invested F16 developments and it had engineers and pilots to select production options. Turkey does not produce inportant parts but puts together... Assembling. Not TOT. Pakistan uses JF17 to start local production and it will become less dependent on others. In that it succeeds more then we all think. I often hear about Chinese avionics are less... They were cause PAF had western parts in many chinese planes... Ejection seats (MB)... Missiles (AIM9/Matra)... Radars (Grifo)... The reason they accepted Chinese avionics is that they are improved. Still Pak will look to other western options and will move to fully optimized plane. It was Pakistan that got PG optimized and after that Chinese incorporated that in Chinese versions... I doubt that Pakistan will get reduced SD10 version. If a nation can develop cruisemissiles, small nukes and lots of other things then I don't think that making alternative seeker would be a difficult task.

If there is a difference... They probably will have different communication or frequencies but it will not be less then... The JF17 is designed for optimized BVR role. It can track 2 at the same time. It can carry to BVR. It will use max range. Even if there is a lot difference then it would not make more then a few seconds launch time... In Pakistani arena with interlinks, lots of radar coverage... And lots of jf17 I doubt that the opponent (India) will get an easy teaparty. JF17 is lo part and with no strings... Compare that with souped up Bison or fully imported plane...


Junior Member
Re: JF-17: New Pics

Gollevainen said:
In terms of good fighter prize and economicallity are important issues but how much you are ready to win in the ground by loosing in the air? but again this is more issue of obinions and strategical differences, as are much of the other parts of your post (for that and my dislike of 'quote-rallyes';) ) I try to answer to you more generally. Thougth all non F-22 fighters could be categorised as 2nd class, the fact is that PAF has the 'priviledge' of knowing it exact enemy, and that is IAF. And IAF isent going to field F-22 in this generation, more likely Rafale family plane or advanced Fulcrum models. Against that current PAF doctrine in my personal obinion is somewhat 'better-than-nothing' dictated by the circumstances, not by tactical innovation.
Not denying limitations dictating current doctrine but if we go by your doctrine that results in less sorties which affect
1)less area coverage at a given time.
2)less response time
3)It also makes enemy's job easier by making you more predictable
4)Support to sister services also goes down

any further loss in already low numbers also has deterimental effect on the over all performance (more like a vicious cycle). Just take a simple example here (overly simplistic i might add). Two planes with 2 missiles each are more threat to aggresors than one plane armed with 4 missiles. It makes tactical flexibilty more easier. Sperading the force. One thing that is really important to PAF is ground support.

Anyway i guess we can just agree to disagree

You mentioned that air forces manouvres against air forces, not plane vs. plane. Exactly that why PAF needs to simplyfy it maintanace to consentrate on one or two major combat plane that can perform all the task that PAFs current inventory does. But enough for overal PAF talk and back to JF-17.

Currently there are various Mirages (iii,v,iv),F-7(p,pg), f-16s, a-5s. Now in future we are looking at
F-16s,j-10,jf-17. So the number of types goes down rather than going up.

PS. one last word, Aerospace Publishing's Encyclopedia of World military aircraft from 1994 mentions that Super-7 was desinged PAkistan in mind. So are their information somewhat 'false' or 'dated' or have i missed something else??
I was just refering to sinodefence and other websites that clearly show super-7(more like an upgrade to j-7) and FC-1 (era marked by cooperation with pakistan and their requirements) as two different stages.

"In 1986 China signed a US$550 million agreement with Grumman to modernise its J-7 (Chinese copy of the MiG-21 Fishbed) fighter aircraft under the "Super-7" upgrade project. Western companies from the US and Britain were competing to provide the engine and avionics. The project was cancelled in early 1990, in the wake of the cooling of political relations with the West, as well as in response to a 40% increase in the cost of the project. However, Chengdu managed to continue the programme with its own resources and the project was re-branded as FC-1 (Fighter China-1).

Following the 1993 US sanction against China and Pakistan on the transfer of ballistic missile components and technology, problems of acquiring Western technology has driven Pakistan to seek helps from its Chinese ally. Beijing and Islamabad concluded a joint development and production agreement in June 1999 to co-develop the FC-1 fighter aircraft. According to the agreement, China Aviation Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) and Pakistan each contribute 50% of the development costs, which was estimated as about US$150 million. Chengdu was chosen to be the primary contractor, with Russian Mikoyan Aero-Science Production Group (MASPG) providing assistance in some design work as well as its RD-93 turbofan engine to power the aircraft.



Banned Idiot
Re: JF-17: New Pics

Currently there are various Mirages (iii,v,iv),F-7(p,pg), f-16s, a-5s. Now in future we are looking at
F-16s,j-10,jf-17. So the number of types goes down rather than going up.

The PAF is not going to retire its mirages anf f-7s the instant the jf-17 enters service. There will need to be a transition stage, where pakistan might have up to 6-7 types of fighter aircraft.

During the Falkland War(early 1980's), the British request the U.S. to supplied it with the latest Sidewinder AA missiles. The U.S. promptly supplied the missiles.
yet america insists on supplying a downgraded JSF to britain. as a cooperative aircraft development project, the JSF is the best example to use in this case. The first j-10s pakistan recieves will be the basic ones china has now, but if further interest is expressed, CAC will establish an export division to handle it. Remeber, fighters take time to build and deliver, missles can almost be delivered right away.

Air Cheif Marshal of PAF said that they have long stopped relying on F-16s fully and that now that due to strategic reasons they are available, even now they are being considered as bonus.
IMO, the pakistan u.s relations isnt going to fall very quickly, and pakistan can use these years to stock up on spare parts as a non nato ally.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: JF-17: New Pics

I was just refering to sinodefence and other websites that clearly show super-7(more like an upgrade to j-7) and FC-1 (era marked by cooperation with pakistan and their requirements) as two different stages.

Like the mainsite said the Super-7 led directly to the FC-1, and as I said earlyer, acording to highly thrustable source, Pakistan was involved to the Super-7 as it was designed to be operated by PAF in the first place, like Fc-1 nowadays....Sinodefence doesen't deny it, and what comes to other websites, i prefere printed books over any website...perhaps you others should do it too...

but to other things...
Not denying limitations dictating current doctrine but if we go by your doctrine that results in less sorties which affect
1)less area coverage at a given time.
2)less response time
3)It also makes enemy's job easier by making you more predictable
4)Support to sister services also goes down

Well if you want to see them that way. But if we take another look, then...
1) Not nesserily. Its more do the airspace and placing of the squardons, not the actual plane or its numbers per squardon.
2) Same thing. im not saying that PAF should bye only dozen modern jets and
place them in one airbase.
3) People who operates the planes makes you predictible and wheter you want others to know what you are doing, not the planes.
4) Not excatly. The idea is to have multirole plane, being flexiple enogh to fullfill all the missions that airforce size of PAF has to manage. And again its more factor of unit organisation and command echelons, not aircrafts themselfs.


Banned Idiot
Re: JF-17: New Pics

Latest keymags "airforces monthly" writes that PAF j10 will be optimized PAF J10. So the will be changes like there were on PAF F6 and PAF F7.