asif iqbal
Lieutenant General
possible blk2
possible blk3
As far as I can see that is not Block II and that isn't Block III it's a computer aided conceptual design nothing is confirmed on that
possible blk2
possible blk3
As far as I can see that is not Block II and that isn't Block III it's a computer aided conceptual design nothing is confirmed on that
Talk of a silent JF17 is just that, talk.
VLO is not something you can jerry rig onto an existing design, and certainly not for something as small as the JF17 since there would be no way to incorporate even semi-internal weapons bays like those on the Silent Eagle. Without internal carrage of weapons all attempts to reduce RCS to VLO levels on the airframe is just wasted effort.
Lastly I do think Block II is about a year late, really we should have had a squadron of Block II delivered by now but by the looks of things PAF is in no rush to fast track production since the production rate is essentially matching the retirement rate in the absence of export orders, we built 16 aircraft in 2010 then in 2011, 2012 and 2013 we were down to single digits, if we kept up that rate by now we should have built over 75 JF-17 aircraft but instead we are sitting at 50 produced units, we know that Kamra can build 25-30 aircraft a year flat out production
There are rumors on Indian forums that India pulled some strings with Russia in order to slow down and delay export of RD-93 to Pakistan . Yeah , I know that is not very reliable source, but it could explain some things .
It seems plausible, India is the largest remaining market for Russian arms industry and India has a lot of leverage.
What is the current status of the Chinese WS-13 engine that was suppose to supersede Rd-93?
Incidentally, isn't WS-13 also in the same class as the engine India is developing for its own medium combat aircraft?
Does this mean j-31 is in the same class as India's still vapor ware MCA?