And that is why when I commented on the J10 thread about integration---about J10A---then J10B---and then J10C----in such short time---and that was a concern about how the pilots could catch on so fast----most senior posters brushed it aside--
I would even say the pilots aren't the biggest concern here. The flying characteristics should be broadly the same. So far they've all got the same engines. So operating limits and procedures will also be comparable. The new sensors will not exactly provide a wide array of new functions, they'll rather be better at doing them (concurrently). But that's on the technical side, with which the pilot as an operator isn't too concerned. For him/her, the biggest thing is software & "switcheology", what buttons and knobs to push when. If the designers / engeniers did a bit of thinking, that hasn't changed so much.
I guess it is much more of an issue for the technicians, who have a whole set of new hardware in front of them. And probably also logistics. You need to adjust your procedures for handling, storing, maintanance, testing and what else.
Introducing a new type goes far beyond the operator in the pilot seat.