Or simply that it will make a great export potential, now with newer versions of the F-16 (like Block 60) taking up orders.
A stealthy version, coupled with its relatively low price, will have greater force when trying to push into international markets.
I don't think JF-17 can compete with the F-16C, never mind the block 60. The whole point of the JF-17 was to be cheap with fairly good performance, something that's good for developing countries who can customize it for their needs. I'm not sure if countries in Africa or the Mid East will want to pay extra for a bit of otherwise limited stealth shaping.
We don't know the extent of this so called optimization, but it will only be for the forward fuselage so it sounds like it will be good mostly just for BVR combat where a smaller front RCS is obviously more helpful. We don't know whether the avionics will be upgraded at all either, but it can be almost certain that any upgraded JF-17 will not come near the F-16's weight class. Maybe Gripen at best, along with fighters like LCA and F/A-50.
Besides, any countries looking to buy the F-16E/F will be politically aligned with the US anyway so JF-17 won't have much of a chance.