The Pakistanis order for 42 more aircraft was for a whooping $800million, or roughly $19 million an aircraft (plus supplies, support equipment, etc..). It just seems that for 5 or 8 million more you could purchase a J-10, which is a much more capable aircraft and has more room to grow. On the other extreme you could purchase some J-7E at 6 million or (my personal favorite) the J-7MF, with the underbelly intake and extra hard points for 8 million plus. You could say that the J-7MF is comparable to the JF-17. They are both derivatives of the same Mig-21.
It’s just very interesting that the Chinese don’t seem to want to purchase the JF-17, They prefer the J-10 and have invested heavily in the J-7MF program. Is it possible that the J-7MF is comparable to the JF-17 and costs half as much, or is it that the integration of the J-7MF is more efficient due to the commonality of parts with other J-7’s?
Plzzz take this out of your mind that JF-17 is a derivative of J-7. Mention one single thing of JF-17 that matches J-7 which can suggest it is a derivative of J-7, JF-17 is totally new in design compared to J-7, so much so, even the landing gear positioning and design does not matches with each other. Plzzzz take out this Indian thinking mentality that JF-17 is a derivative of J-7 or mig-21s, totally different planes from inside as well as out side, not a single piece of the JF-17 has anything to do with Mig-21.
PAF has invested 500Mln$$s from its side in this program, the amount may even be more as this is a joint 50-50 partnership program between PAF & AVIC.
JF-17 is a light weight multi role aircraft which has yet good amount of upgrades left in it, and this has been specially designed as a work horse for air forces which can not have expensive 4th Gen aircraft, but can afford JF-17 to fulfill their 4th Gen requirements and can induct in numbers.
It is also totally changed and superior in performance compared to the J-7 variants. J-7 no doubt a wonderful plane, but it lacks a few things which JF-17 has.
PAF will procure J-10s, but PAF is going for a Hi-Lo mix for its airforce. Hi category would consist of the F-16s & J-10s, while the Lo mix would be JF-17s which will be procured in numbers as its cost is less, operational ease and plus point it gives all what a 4th Gen can provide, excellent choice for replacing PAFs 2nd & 3rd Gen, decades old A-5s, Mirages & F-7s. All three types of aircraft being replaced by one single type, just imagine how much ease of operations it will provide.
And there is no J-7MF being inducted in the CAF, it was mostly left at model stage being shown at some airshows, the last variant they inducted was the J-7G, and most probably the CAF would not be inducting any more J-7s, rather will be going for J-10s & J-11s and other more advanced variants.
JF-17 is a perfect platform for export to countries who can not afford high tech expensive planes, some circles are even calling it the Mig-21 of the 21st century.
Also, it has not yet been finalized that CAF will not be buying the JF-17, let the Chinese engine get finished, then the situation will be clear that CAF is going for FC-1 or not, as per my friend working at Kamra and in close contact with the Chinese friends working at Kamra, CAF may go for FC-1s once the engine issue is resolved, chances are very strong that CAF will get FC-1s in future to replace its Q-5s and also J-7s too.
And plzzz do not call JF-17 a variant of Mig-21, don't insult the JF-17 by calling it a derivative of Mig-21, show proof or else don't say it. Thanks