Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra
Evidence of using FCR isn't the only thing that should be demanded. Location, time, distance between ships, nature of operation of MSDF should all be provided for a full and complete picture. If one wants to make accusations of such implications, then all details need to be provided to back up accusation or otherwise debunk it. Actual statement of what one considers as being painted by FCR is also important so everyone is on the same page.
Well, the Japanese have yet to present any proof at all. What happened with their evidence they wanted to present to the UN?
In dubio pro reo should be the order of the day when confronted with any unsubstantiated allegations in a system suppossed to be ruled by law. But this doesnt seem to apply to "enemies of freedom", apparently...
Evidence of using FCR isn't the only thing that should be demanded. Location, time, distance between ships, nature of operation of MSDF should all be provided for a full and complete picture. If one wants to make accusations of such implications, then all details need to be provided to back up accusation or otherwise debunk it. Actual statement of what one considers as being painted by FCR is also important so everyone is on the same page.