Japan Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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"Since-China-Can-Do-It-So-Can-We", Japanese edition.
View attachment 135297
Japan and China both launched satellites in 1970. A representation of the relative technological power in that era.

China launched Han class in 1974. Japan is still waiting. A representation of the relative technological power in this era.

They're just not going to be able to compete with both slower rate of improvement and being 50 years late.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Japan and China both launched satellites in 1970. A representation of the relative technological power in that era.

China launched Han class in 1974. Japan is still waiting. A representation of the relative technological power in this era.

They're just not going to be able to compete with both slower rate of improvement and being 50 years late.
Japan can probably get help from United States.


"Since-China-Can-Do-It-So-Can-We", Japanese edition.

Alfter the 15000-16000-ton ASEV, now there are discussions in the official capacity for the JMSDF to procure nuclear-powered submarines.

The ROKN does echo similar proposals for a few years by now.

View attachment 135297

Dear Huludao, Jiangnan and Wuchang - Please do your thing.
Let me guess...they gonna name that sub "Yamato"...