Japan Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Senior Member
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I heard Japanese diesel-electric submarines are a silver bullet against the Chinese navy. They do look kind of pretty. Propaganda?
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
China has a lot of anti-submarine assets. And they have diesel electric subs of their own.

The Japanese have fairly decent submarine designs. Supposedly the first submarines with lithium ion batteries. But you can tell by a couple of things that they aren't quite what they are cracked up to be. Compare the crew sizes of German Type 212 or Russian Lada with their subs. They lack automation and have like twice the necessary crew size. Also the anti-ship missiles it can use, the Harpoon, are basically obsolete. They have like half the range of the Kalibr the Russians exported to China. And they lack the optional high Mach terminal stage.

The Japanese submarines have a large hull, with what seems to be good hull design. They have lithium ion batteries and before that they had the Stirling engines. They are known to have good radar and sonar technology in general. So those parts should also be good. But automation of torpedo and missile launching is lacking. The missiles themselves are lackluster.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
I heard Japanese diesel-electric submarines are a silver bullet against the Chinese navy. They do look kind of pretty. Propaganda?
Main stream medias and internet communities for most of time would automatically assume they have a HUGE advantage over their adversary in every way possible unless it's explicitly proved otherwise. In those case they would retreat to other aspects that are "yet to be proved" either because their opponents haven't catch up in these area yet or the information that are more obscured to public or hard to measure like everyone's favorite: combat experience, training, or in this case, submarine.

As to the submarine itself, Japanese submarine is reasonably good designed and built. Most believe they are among the "better ones" like type 212. They have their strong suits like battery technology and bigger tonnage thus longer sustainability yet lacking in some others like automation and service life. They would do well in their job as diesel subs, but on the other hand, diesel sub is never a "silver bullet" to begin with except in fictional scenarios where the bad guys have an orc horde worth of surface ship and our heroes need to be subtle with an "assassin's mace".


Junior Member
Registered Member
They should just make more of their own weapons themselves. They should cancel such contracts with large amounts of imported components and re-bid them. Not that it will happen given that Japan is basically a satrap of the West.
Because the Japanese defense industry has a limited market size, developing and manufacturing weapons on its own can be inefficient. In addition, domestic companies do not necessarily have a complete range of weapons technologies, so they will need to rely on imports from other countries.
Despite Japan's Three Principles on Arms Exports and subsequent deregulation, there are still severe restrictions on arms exports. This makes the development of domestically produced weapons commercially unviable.