Japan Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Corruption at Kawasaki Heavy Industries
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Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. announced that it had conducted a fictitious deal with a business partner for the repair of submarines contracted by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, and misappropriated the back taxes it had raised for food and beverages. The company has established a special investigation committee to investigate the matter.

According to Kawasaki Heavy Industries, a division of the Kobe Plant, which repairs and inspects submarines contracted by the Maritime Self-Defense Force, made fictitious deals with a client company to raise the money.

The amount of the illegal money generated amounted to more than 1 billion yen, which had been misappropriated for at least six years for eating, drinking, purchasing goods, and so on.


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USAF F-35As To Be Based In Japan Replacing Wild Weasel F-16s​

The U.S. Air Force is set to forward-deploy F-35A Joint Strike Fighters in Japan for the first time, the Pentagon has announced. The stealthy F-35As will supplant F-16 Viper fighters the service currently has based in that country that
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air defense-hunting mission. The Marine Corps will also make changes to
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already in the country.


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USMC’s New ACV Amphibious Assault Vehicles Have Arrived In Japan​

A fleet of Marine Corps wheeled
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(ACVs) is now forward deployed to the island of Okinawa, Japan, marking an important step in modernizing the service’s Pacific theater assets. Its arrival comes as the Marines are rapidly restructuring for the high-end fight of the future, with an emphasis on
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for a potential
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involving China, where amphibious capabilities would be critical.


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US air moves in Japan more head fake than power punch

US plans $10 billion of upgrades for fighters in Japan, hardly enough to match China’s fast-growing and more modern fleet

The US has unveiled a US$10 billion strategy to upgrade military aircraft in Japan, a bid to bolster its defense posture amid rising tensions with China over Taiwan. However, aging aircraft, production problems and China’s fast-growing air force may mean the plan is too little, too late to significantly shift the region’s balance of air power.

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that the US has unveiled
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for military aircraft stationed in Japan, the latest move to bolster the US-Japan defense alliance.

Breaking Defense says the plan, first announced in November 2023, involves replacing older F-15s and F-16s with advanced F-15EX and F-35 jets and modifying US Marine Corps (USMC) F-35B deployments. The report notes that this strategic shift sets to enhance deterrence and promote peace and stability in a region where tensions over Taiwan’s future persist.

The key to the modernization drive is Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, dubbed the “Keystone of the Pacific,” which will see its 48 F-15s substituted by 36 F-15EXs. The base’s proximity to Taiwan underscores its strategic significance to both US military interests and Japan’s national defense.

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Japan’s new defense white paper delivers strongest words yet on Taiwan​

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Japan's Ministry of Defense has published a new White Paper on Defense Excerpts:

▪️Japan no longer believes that Russia “lost military power” in Ukraine. The Russian Federation, despite sanctions, is capable of conducting military operations for a long time.

▪️In the Indo-Pacific region, a situation similar to the conflict in Ukraine is possible.

▪️Mentioned separately are the development of new Russian weapons and the increase in the size of the army.

▪️Advanced technologies (AI, hypersonic, laser weapons) are considered a game-changer in warfare, with special attention given to information wars and deepfakes.

▪️Japan can now transfer military equipment to a wide range of industries.

▪️A new structure will emerge in the Ministry of Defense - a joint operational command.

▪️Further strengthening cooperation with NATO is considered important, and the alliance with the United States is the basis of national defense.

▪️The new report maintains the phrase “China's greatest strategic challenge”, predicts an acceleration in China's military modernization and considers the next 10 years critical in determining the outcome of the competition between the United States and China.

▪️The balance of military power between China and Taiwan continues to shift toward Beijing.

▪️The DPRK's ability to launch a nuclear attack continues to be assessed.

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