The aircraft uses fly-by-wire. Its computers must be well able to compensate for that unwanted pitching moment by deflecting the elevators.Most likely not, since the rudders are canted and would produce unwanted pitching moment.
The aircraft uses fly-by-wire. Its computers must be well able to compensate for that unwanted pitching moment by deflecting the elevators.Most likely not, since the rudders are canted and would produce unwanted pitching moment.
A control law that maintains zero pitch-rate would prevent the rudder from turning against each other in the first place.
But they did! Note that officially they are not saying anything. Only yesterday they were denying the existence of the project at all. How can they announce anything when they tell people J-20 doesn't even exist?
All the flight test things have been strictly speculation by pepole like us, not even experts. All the experts are expecting test flights within this year, not the next few days So if anything, we have ourselves to blame. It only mean we still cannot predict what the Chinese govn't will do. That's the only coming out of this.
Being AWOLlast year you probably missed the announcement of such a 4/5th gen program by a PLAAF General. He went on to think they could start to be inducted in 2018. So if we use the American F22 program as a guideline, logic dictates that this 4/5th gen plane would have to be making an appearance pretty soon. That is if it wasnt just "hot air" on the part of the General.