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What are they doing at the top opening?Via =GT from CDF ....
Anyone tell me what is the opening at the airframe above the two exhaust nozzles?..
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What are they doing at the top opening?Via =GT from CDF ....
There is a strong potential of a software based error in the flight control laws that governs surfaces deflections. It is not for photo-ops as some gullibles believed. Or that there is a hard mechanical failure in the left v-stab that create that gross disproportionate in deflection between the two v-stabs.
The front gear indicate a slight, not hard left turn. The right v-stab's deflection is proportionate to that. The left v-stab's deflection is usually for a very very hard turn. For those who gullibly believed that the pilot does have that fine control for the v-stab, single or twin, they are flat out wrong. Rudder pedals commands are mechanically linked to a single point, mechanical or electrical, and are ignorant of how many surfaces that may respond to that command after that point. No flight control laws contain non-essential items like photo-op contingencies. Absolutely ridiculous. As this is a fly-by-wire (FBW) aircraft, if there is a problem it will be a software based one.