J-20... The New Generation Fighter

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New Member
Via =GT from CDF ....

What are they doing at the top opening?
Anyone tell me what is the opening at the airframe above the two exhaust nozzles?..
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Looks like the place from where the brake chute is deployed. The door itself is a bit small to be a worthwhile air brake. Better use differential deflection of the vertical tail planes for that. Except at high speed.
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Banned Idiot
when F-22 make her first maiden flight in 1990, it usher the new generation jet fighter ,,same way the british "all Big Gun " HMS Dreadnough battleship,it basically thrown down the gauntlet,challenging other countries to come up with there own stealth aircraft.
russian with own T-50,then china J-20, next japan and south korea,eruopean with there dire economic problem may also has come up with there stealth aircraft.
already both russian and china has single engine stealth aircraft under drawing board.


New Member
The way I see it, they need a perfect day for the maiden flight so they can shoot spectacular film footage for the public to consume, mainly the up coming Lunar New Year which is only a month away.

Beside those of us interested in military hardware and the professional military journalist, most citizens in China have no idea what is going on unless they see it on CCTV news about the "Silk stocking AKA fourth gen. " :)


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Bad weather condition... bah. It actually RAINED the day J-10 flew. Who cares whether it looks great on video or not...

The good news is that the shinny nozzles are those of a Chinese engine. It has been confirmed on Chinese BBS as well as the actions of the leaders. No need prodding around some Russian engines.


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Our dear friend gambit said that there is a major problem with the J-20's software based upon a picture of the J-20. Can someone explain to me if he is right?

There is a strong potential of a software based error in the flight control laws that governs surfaces deflections. It is not for photo-ops as some gullibles believed. Or that there is a hard mechanical failure in the left v-stab that create that gross disproportionate in deflection between the two v-stabs.

The front gear indicate a slight, not hard left turn. The right v-stab's deflection is proportionate to that. The left v-stab's deflection is usually for a very very hard turn. For those who gullibly believed that the pilot does have that fine control for the v-stab, single or twin, they are flat out wrong. Rudder pedals commands are mechanically linked to a single point, mechanical or electrical, and are ignorant of how many surfaces that may respond to that command after that point. No flight control laws contain non-essential items like photo-op contingencies. Absolutely ridiculous. As this is a fly-by-wire (FBW) aircraft, if there is a problem it will be a software based one.
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