Lieutenant General
I find it unbelievable that some can't tell the difference. The J-20 has the big chin which if they painted some jaws on it with those DSI bumps would give it a big grin coming up anyone's six.
Can't believe no one in sinodefence noticed it until I, the EagleEye(note: no pop), took a closer look:
The glass cookpit reflects the the cookpit layout!
Let Speeder a.k.a. EagleEye present you the detailed layout of J-20 cookpit:
On the top left : 1 big square LCD screen.
On the top right: 2 smaller half-sized LCD screens
On the bottom: 2 big square LCD screens.
I appreciate your effort, but this is an English Forum, if you can not use proper English, this might not be for you.
I could stay home if I wanted to watch television. The big screen is playin "Top Gun" reruns, soon to be playing "Top Gun II, with Tom Cruise and the F-35". Watch your six eagle eye, those are state secrets little bro. On a serious note as an old Air Force Brat, I don't really like my attitude indicator on a flat screen, and I find the Hud confusing when I am inverted in Flight Sim X, some of the later analog instruments seemed to jump out at you, and were for me, much easier to interpret, any body flying the real thing have any thoughts?
I don't think we should criticize a fellow forum member's English.
Not trying to be nitpicky but you have way too many commas in a single sentence.
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? [Matthew 7:3]
Lateral movement, slip, J20 does not use ready-made similar to F22 as the traditional aerodynamic layout, instead of using the canard aerodynamic layout, is in pursuit of high mobility.
long fuselage design is intended to be useful for high-speed flight, it is in order to make up for the inadequate level of engine technology, with the development of high performance vector engine development, combine the two, mobility increases, but increases the complexity of flight control, flight control programming can produce more complex flight action.
The design is bold, it is a collection of many previously validated the theory and design ideas, but these design ideas never dare to really put into practice.
Lateral movement, slip, J20 does not use ready-made similar to F22 as the traditional aerodynamic layout, instead of using the canard aerodynamic layout, is in pursuit of high mobility.
long fuselage design is intended to be useful for high-speed flight, it is in order to make up for the inadequate level of engine technology, with the development of high performance vector engine development, combine the two, mobility increases, but increases the complexity of flight control, flight control programming can produce more complex flight action.
The design is bold, it is a collection of many previously validated the theory and design ideas, but these design ideas never dare to really put into practice.
I have said much of this myself Jr. the J-bird is a very signifcant design for the PLAAF and a beautifull airplane and unique in many innovations. As others have pointed out the forward fuse looks F-22ish with the exception of the distant coupled canards, and the rear fuse wing and verts bear a striking resemblance to the mig 1.42/1.44. I have 0 prob with this, nor should anyone else unless their intelectual property has been "borrowed". "Collection" is a great word here and please, don't take offensed guys. The F-22 will still, and in the forseeable future, be the turnin burnin little fool, and the true "Ninja", Yes I would like to copyright that word when used in relation to fifth gens fighter. I think you are doing a good job of assessing the various capabilities, and your posts are much more readable today. I have said and will continue to believe the J-20 is an awesome aeroplane that would benefit greatly from TVC.
The long fuse does have some drag and stability benefits, but is more likely for additional fuel and weapons, it does impede your ability to turn the aircraft as it adds to stablility as well , here again just physics. Dr. Song and team address this concern with the addition of the "distant coupled canards", which no doubt are a fantastic benefit to this airframe and address many of the concerns with a rear mounted delta
Lots of luck with dat, the F-35, awwwhh, well, but the F-22, ain't gonna happen, if the dragon comes huntin, I hope the first thing it finds is the Raptor.