J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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Banned Idiot
Looks like those numbers were copied off the baidu wiki article...

if its max speed is 2.5, wow its DSI has a new technology of inlet of internal shock compression, which i doubt, 17000, weight sounds not believeable, WS-15 sounds in the future, but if those are the numbers, official number well quiet impressive machine, but in my honest opinion those numbers are fake, DSI are fixed, B-70 uses internal compression above Mach 2.5 and honestly i doubt they have WS-15s when the next 120 J-10s will have Al-31s and the next 75 J-11s/Su-27s will have Al-31s and china is negociating a further 140 Al-31s for J-10s.
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Senior Member
honestly i doubt they have WS-15s when the next 120 J-10s will have Al-31s and the next 75 J-11s/Su-27s will have Al-31s and china is negociating a further 140 Al-31s for J-10s.

Would you like to share with us the source of your information?


Lieutenant General
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and honestly i doubt they have WS-15s when the next 120 J-10s will have Al-31s and the next 75 J-11s/Su-27s will have Al-31s and china is negociating a further 140 Al-31s for J-10s.

what do you mean the next 75 J-11s? Do you mean J-11B/BS or replacing Al-31s on old Su-27/J-11As? Because the recent order of Al-31s is not enough to equip 120 J-10s and 75 flankers, especially when most of that order should be to replace older engines and that all new build J-11B/BS are being equipped with WS-10. The fact WS-10's quantity can not be upped for the moment says nothign about WS-15 either, they're projects by different companies.

It would have been easier if you just said you didn't believe those numbers. Using Al-31 and WS-10 to support your argument that J-20 isn't equipped with WS-10 doesn't make sense... especially when no one argued those numbers are for the J-20 at present.

I'm interested were the picture was taken (there's no reason to believe the chart has any credibilty at all). It looks like there's an H-5 gatekeeper behind the fence?


New Member
i think china buy Al31 for replace the old j10 & 11 , if they can't put ws10 because the sign difference ,why use too much time for thing you don't need .we need to thing the new jets & new engines


Lieutenant General
Words are not very clear when zoom in; however, I try to read them:
- Empty weight 17 tons
- ....
- Fuselage width 3.94m
- Wing span 12.88m
- Cruise speed 1.83
- Ceiling 20,000m
- Combat radius 2,000km
- ..... 25tons
- Height 4.45m
- Canard span 7.62m
- Max speed 2.5m
- Ferry range 5500km
- Crew 1

I don't know if this is better.



Banned Idiot

this according to the russian,protoype radar already been produced,and flight tested on J-11B.
F-22 using "fuse sensor" (AWACS and satelite) to track and intercept any aerial or gound target, China may also follow similiar step.


Banned Idiot
what do you mean the next 75 J-11s? Do you mean J-11B/BS or replacing Al-31s on old Su-27/J-11As? Because the recent order of Al-31s is not enough to equip 120 J-10s and 75 flankers, especially when most of that order should be to replace older engines and that all new build J-11B/BS are being equipped with WS-10. The fact WS-10's quantity can not be upped for the moment says nothign about WS-15 either, they're projects by different companies.

It would have been easier if you just said you didn't believe those numbers. Using Al-31 and WS-10 to support your argument that J-20 isn't equipped with WS-10 doesn't make sense... especially when no one argued those numbers are for the J-20 at present.

I'm interested were the picture was taken (there's no reason to believe the chart has any credibilty at all). It looks like there's an H-5 gatekeeper behind the fence?

it does not make sense at all, most J-10s are less than a decade old some are less than 1 year old, same is J-11/Su-27, tell me why you replace engines that have 7-5 years old?

That does not make sense at all, aircraft like the F-14 were re engined but if China has WS-10 why you will spend money in a foreign engine? you will re engine 120 J-10 that have less than 7-5 years? that is just fantasy, tell me how many J-10s are build in China annually?
China might built 100 J-10s if the J-10 is exported, the F-16 is exported and build in Europe, Turkey, Korea and Japoan (AKA F-2) but F-16s use american engines.

why you will re-engine a mere 120 aircraft if you can build 100 J-10s with WS-10?

So the mostly likely reality is China builds 20-30 annualy and the Al-31s are going to be used for new J-10s and perhaps iin 2015 they will use WS-10s, but now the WS-10 is not ready an if WS-10 is not ready WS-15 is not even flying.
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