this is insanely tiring....But I actually learned a lot. normally when you read posts this long, you tend to skip through it quickly. You jump between sentences. But I would have to understand every sentence to the full in order to properly translate it.
It will be mind fucking to read at first as it is very techinical. But later on it's really a piece of cake.
Quoting from an expert, "up to the 60s , second gen fighter jets' layout still focus on keeping the adhesive airflow from diccipating, but as demand for agility forces the angle of attack to constantly go up, the diccipation/gap becomes unavoidable.(this is a phenomenon observed in modern high speed jets. Everyone knows that the difference in the speed of air flow over wing surface create lift. But as time goes on, this difference becomes too great that the high pressure zone under the wing breaks off for a little instant. This is dangerous as it could down the plane) But with the introduction of close coupling double delta design's utilization of vortex lift (explained earlier already, this is when the delta wing is mounted super close to the front canard) in the Gripen becoming popular, achieving controllability over airflow diccipation issues, the technique of spreading the diccipation of the edge of the wings became popular and are still used today. A jet's utilizaition of vortex lift is mainly done through vortex lift initiators' (canards, leading edge root extension (LERX)
) front creating a stable vortex. The fast spinning vortex decreases the pressure over the wing surface, the vortex's intensity increases with the increase angle, creating large amount of vortex lift. But its increase is too drastic, adding immense difficulties to a jet's 4-axis control system. There were 3 stages of developments in conquering the vortex effect. The first classic is F15, this early 3rd g en jet didn;t have vortex initiators, it didn;t utilize the vortex lift effect. It's layout is naturally stable. Then comes F16, the first true 3rd gen jet, along with Su27. Both have small sidecurtains as vortex initiators, and both let easy on the natural stablity of the plane and using simulated fly-by-wire systems. The third, is adopting large sideskirts, like those of F18 and FC1, the other is canard style Typhoon, Rafael, Gripen and J10. These jets all use highly unstable configuration, simulated fly-by-wire no longer works, 4-axis fly by wire becomes a standard. Naturally, the more agile a plane is, the more dangerous it is to fly, as it is more natually unstable. In a conventional layout, the surface controlling the pitch is usually at the rear of the vehicle, some even gone extreme to raise level of control, by further extending passing the engine, thinking that as airflow passes a flat plane will not apply further effects on the plane, but canard layouts have its vortex right around its nose, making it much more turbulent. Conventional layout doesn't employ front vortex initiator designs doesn't necessarily reflect that its designers don;t understand the benefits, they do have similar designs like movable sideskirts similar to carnards, it is more becuase of the cause and effect relationship, which the cuase is too great for the relatively low payback. But great turbulence does mean greater potential. A jet with a set of full-motion canards (like those on J20, almost turning a full circle) is better than conventional layout in terms of aerodynamic feature and controllability, including those recently adopted large side skirts. This is why these planes came out later and have good flight characterisitcs. Once people even called full-motion canard layout planes 3.5gen, if looking from an aerodynamic and fly-by-wire point of view, this claim is not groundless, as they are exctremely challenging."
But anything would have two sides to it, canard layouts do bring lots of benefits, but it doesn't mean super maneouverability, it instead brings better vortex lift and natural unstability. To countries without good engines, this is good news. But it also bears many problems, apart from sophisticated fly-by-wire systems, there is another big problem. Canards have two effects, providing controllable lift and control pitch movements. Controllable vortex lift was already mentioned, pitch movement force influence is another effect being applied to the plane, also the hardest problem to solve on canard layout compared to conventional counterparts.
Any plane would have a centre of gravity and a centre of lift foce, if those two overlap in the same area, the plane would be balanced in the air. Although canards can do the same, but different positions of the canards put different level of emphasis on those two. Even just where to put the canards is already a big headache for all design bureaus around the world.
The position of the canards reflect its designers emphais on the plane's inteded characteristics. In fact, if ndermining fuel effeciency, weapon load and other factors, the centre of gravity is usually stable. But the centre of lift changes with speed, orientation of the flight and others, would need a horizontal stabilizer and elevator, or canards to maintain balance, this is balancing effect. By purposely offset the balance, it would cause the plane to pitch up and down. Although canards can perform this more effectively, different positioning of the carnards show emphasis on two different ideals. Having carnards more closer to the front is called distant coupling, because it has the long arm effect, small canards are enough to control the pitch. They are lighter and create less drag. It is more suitable to high speed flights. Its weakness is the far distance between the two deltas are hard to generate vortexed to create lift. Canards closer to the back are called close coupling. close coupling canards are usually very close to the delta wing and are almost merging as one with the main wing. This create much larger vortexes and is suitable for agile maneouvres. But because the "arms" are short, the control on the pitch movement is limited. The surface areas have to be increased to get the same result compared to a distant coupling canard. This adds weight and especially drag. Also when two deltas closely situate to one another, their turbulences intefere with each others'.
To put it simply, this contradiction always bothered engineers around the world. The US did even more research than Europe in the 80s. Lift generating side skirts apeared long time ago. In 1970, NASA had a high speed maneouvre aircraft technology demonstrator. The 17A proposal uses such layout, but limited to the aerodynamics and electronic capability of its time, it was later abandoned. In 1997s May, NASA and Boeing jointly developed the X36 carnard layout demonstrator. This plane used lift generation canard layout, along with stealth and agility as part of its core testing areas. But the Americans believe, doesn't matter if its close or distant coupling, neither is beneficial to the next generation fighter. This is truly sad for the carnard layout, as it is dropped by the biggest and the most powerul air force in the world. The American concluded that "advantages of the canard layout exists only on the enemies". This is pretty much trying to force the idea of "non-stealthiness" onto the canard configuration. But China Aviation Inc. back in early 90s already studied thoroughly on the stealthiness of this layout. In fact the JSF layout and the Gripen proved that canard makes no difference on the stealthiness compared to conventional layouts.
QUoting from expert again, "canard and conventional don;t make much difference in terms of stealth performance, doesn;t matter if its conventional or canard, all their stealtiness are calculated assuming they are in cruising state, and almost completely neglected when maneouvering or only do minimals, but this doesn't influence its figure (I guess he meant the overall RCS value). Canard layout and conventionals' only difference is that canard has an extra surface in the front compared to conventionals. But the front view of the plane wouldn't change. (like a sword, doesn;t matter how long it is, you can only see a small point when its pointed at you). the canard itself can be made to be stealthy. canard and conventional layouts' difference in stealth performance can only be substantial when the RCS is lowered down to 0.001 and it has to be scanned by very powerful radars with specific wavelengths."
The American engineers' original intention was that: canards are too complicated, it takes up too much space internally, especially that it creates too much drag that it kills F22's emphasis on supersonic cruise. When you have unhuman level engine and really good materials and especially highly mature avoinics, why create further troubles for ourself. F22 emphasizes on supersonic speed, utilizing its swept butterfly wings and F119 makes it reach perfect harmony. In the late 90s, the Americans concluded this would dominate the world theatre for 20-30 years.
Doesn't matter if its close coupling or distant coupling, both are detrimental to thenext generation fighter, why so?
To be Continuted.....