No I wasn't. The WS-10 is a different engine than the WS-15 so why would I be mixing up those two? Please don't falsely speculate on my behalf. The
of the WS-15, as described by a well known big shrimp "Maya" was an engine in the 150 kN class (along with using 2nd gen DD6 single crystal superalloy, FGH 96 P/M superalloy), roughly analogous to the F119. Then starting around the early 2010s, there were reports of the WS-15 being an
instead and the WS-15 was even listed as an 180 kN engine in the AVIC organized "
" Obviously, these figures are quite a step up from the original 150 kN class design goal as stated by Maya.
Unfortunately, I could not find the specific CJDBY threads detailing this revision since it was quite some time ago but you're more than fine to go search for this yourself. If anything, I'm surprised as to why you find a WS-15 design revision to be shocking. Since then, 3rd generation DD9 and DD10 single crystal superalloys have come out, not to mention the FGH-98 P/M disk, all of which offer substantial material performance upgrade over the original WS-15 materials. It is very plausible for 606 to take advantage of this and alter the design to include these materials rather than coming out with a quarter century old F119 class engine, as the original specs entailed.
Regarding the delay, Maya
said it would take about 10 years for the WS-15 to enter mass production after testing its core at high altitude in late 2009. I hope you can agree that the WS-15 is not nearly in mass production stage yet right? As I've said before, I highly recommend you read through the 545 page engine thread. Perhaps it can enlighten you a bit on the Chinese aeroengine development
