J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VIII


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because USAF were quite adamant that IRST is for weak old worlders .

F-22 was originally destined to have IRST and fancy cheek array but well, funding caps and peace dividend happen. the IRST tho, i feel it still have its own set of challenge, namely how it can provide a proper range measurement.

Long range IRST are possible and practical, especially with availability of High D-star/specific detectivity detector based on either QWIP or high performance Mercury Cadmium Telluride CCD/FPA's. But passive ranging remains hard. The US tried that fancy podded IRST with datalink antenna so planes can do triangulation, but single ship ranging remains challenging.


F-15EX will have an easier time against other fifth gen.

I would still feel F-15EX will have problem against 5th gen, it will still requires some force multipliers such as AEW's or something like say APY-9 or E-7's to help cue the APG-82's.

The APG-82 is indeed a massive improvement over 63's like 5 times the power, but 4th root Radar propagation laws are still cruel when facing low RCS targets. Also the platform itself have high RCS. Boeing representative a collegue met sometime ago claimed that EX have some treatment to reduce RCS, i suspect it would be similar as F-15FX proposal to Japan years ago,and Russian Su-35's but as i see so far it's kinda hard to reduce the RCS below say something like F-16's almost impractical unless somehow entire aircraft are coated which definitely not practical or desireable from maintenance perspective.

and the J-20's own radar and sensor. I'm in opinion that the J-20 have the biggest aperture among 5th gen. It may see the EX first and execute engagement early.


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F-22 was originally destined to have IRST and fancy cheek array but well, funding caps and peace dividend happen. the IRST tho, i feel it still have its own set of challenge, namely how it can provide a proper range measurement.

Long range IRST are possible and practical, especially with availability of High D-star/specific detectivity detector based on either QWIP or high performance Mercury Cadmium Telluride CCD/FPA's. But passive ranging remains hard. The US tried that fancy podded IRST with datalink antenna so planes can do triangulation, but single ship ranging remains challenging.
MiG-31 used kinematic ranging and triangulation techniques with its IRST for SR-71 intercepts. In the 1980s.

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MiG-31 used kinematic ranging and triangulation techniques with its IRST for SR-71 intercepts. In the 1980s.

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You sure about that ? I have that paper and in no parts of it mentions MiG-31.

The MiG may have aid from GCI which tracks both the MiG and the SR-71's and range can be easily obtained from there with the 8TP IRST just to provide better angular fix.


"There are now thousands of F-35s built, and 3500 will eventually be equipped. When we initially said this, we thought it (the US) was bragging." "Now it seems that it can be achieved." If this statement is true, it shows that the decision-makers (in the higher levels of the PLA) once misjudged the number of F-35s to be eventually equipped. Hence, the answer as to why the WS-10 variant of the J-20 is already in mass production before the complete (full-body) J-20 (i.e. equipped with WS-15, etc etc) made its first flight - Mainly because of the upcoming China-US military struggle and the present evolving situation, which waits for no one.

The combined requirement of the American services for >2500 Joint Strike Fighters was identified from the very inception of the program in the mid-late 1990s. In the preceding years, China had witnessed America's dismantling of reasonably formidable Iraqi air defences in Operation Desert Storm, aided in part by the world's first operational VLO combat aircraft, and the outpouring of RMA thought that followed, including USAF's commitment to VLO as a foundational characteristic of the future inventory. This period also encompassed the production and operational debut of the B-2 Spirit and the ongoing development of the F-22 Raptor. Most recently, America's "carrier flex" in 1996 had highlighted the PLA's various inadequacies in the face of American power. The notion that, in this environment, PLA analysts would've looked at plans for the JSF program and gone "nah, I don't think so" is almost beyond belief.
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