J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VIII


Registered Member
Are people expecting J-20A to enter service with WS-10 engines?

There's not even a single WS-15 in service yet. It will likely take a several years for the WS-15 production to ramp up from 0 per year to 200+ per year. Right now, I don't see how WS-15 can be produced fast enough to keep up with even half the J-20 production lines.
there is enough information available on this thread regarding WS-15 development process.. i suggest you to please read out this thread.

WS-15 is a production engine since March, 2023 and is in LRIP stage for past two years.. AECC is gradually increasing the supply and we are expecting full scale production this year. even Orca confirmed this.

preparation has completed. and AECC Shenyang planning to cut down WS-10 because WS-20/WS-15 production started.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
So yes, at all there are 16 units in this list, however I rate only 15 of them as confirmed and likely!

As such we have:
9 confirmed operational units = 9 x 20-28 J-20 = 180-252 J-20
2 confirmed FTTB units (not the same number of aircraft) = maybe 2x 12 J-20 = 24 J-20
2 unconfirmed but likely units: 2x 20-28 J-20 = 40-56 J-20
= likely 244-332 J-20

2 rumoured units: 2x 20-28 J-20 = 40-56 J-20

Okay so what you're saying is the 54th should be presumed to not have J-20s? That count essentially ignores the "unconfirmed and questionable" 54th, that's the missing unit. I figured since you put it on the list we should assume the 54th is at least in the "rumored" category so there should be 3 rumored units not 2.

Are people expecting J-20A to enter service with WS-10 engines?

There's not even a single WS-15 in service yet. It will likely take a several years for the WS-15 production to ramp up from 0 per year to 200+ per year. Right now, I don't see how WS-15 can be produced fast enough to keep up with even half the J-20 production lines.

The J-20S might have a few with WS-10C engines but at this point it seems clear J-20A will be using WS-15. It could be that production has been or will be slowed a bit but WS-15 has been in the works for quite a while now. Maybe it'll start out as 50 J-20A a year instead of 100 J-20 or something and build to 100 J-20A over a year or two.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I found this image under TWZ's F-47 report comment section. According to this, some guys claim F-35 is more maneuverable than J-20.

Any idea? :rolleyes:





Junior Member
Registered Member
Looks like an operation report leaked from J-20's engagement with F-35 above East Sea years ago!
The file says, J-20's maneuverability is weaker than F-35. USAF is very experienced. :eek: