You raise an important point, and as my previous speakers have already written, we haven't known anything since Zhuhai either!
It's true, we haven't known a more recent construction numbers since CB07156 posted in January 2023. Confirmed serial numbers are rare. Just to remind you, the 4th AB has been flying the J-20 since 2023, and only after Zhuhai 2024 were there clear photos leaked.
There are no photos at all of the 55th and 41st AB, nor of the unit that, at least to me, was recently converted unit, the 19th AB (although there is a photo of a J-20 next to several J-11Bs).
Furthermore, the 131st has been rumored for a long time, but still no facts are known, and I haven't heard of any other new units (except perhaps the 2nd AB).
I actually almost have the impression - but as I said, just my impression or gut feeling - that not as many units were newly formed in 2024 as in 2023, perhaps actually an indication that production is being switched to the J-20A.
Interesting and and unfortunate that OPSEC is getting so tight confirmed info is well behind developments on the ground now and we're mostly reduced to educated guesswork, hearsay, and rumor. I guess this is why we get publications like Janes and Military Balance listing much lower numbers for J-20 as it's difficult to refute them with official statements or more concrete things like photos.