J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VIII


Just Hatched
Registered Member
The WS-10C has a double ring structure at the nozzle exit. Doesn’t look like the engines in either of the pictures above have that.
Yeah so I don't think it's WS-10C, and I don't see why the PLAAF would try to mount a AL-31F on a new J-20 when the entire force is so aggressively transitioning away to domestic engines (if this image is confirmed to be recent), It doesn't make sense to do so when they will be upgraded to WS-10C/WS-15 very soon, and since WS-15 has already entered LRIP, I'm inclined to belive it is a WS-15


Junior Member
Registered Member
The WS-10C nozzle has a sort of silver collar at the base near where it joins the fuselage

The WS-15 is all black. That and the colour of the exhaust - probably at a lower temperature due to IR reduction techniques - is good indication that this is a WS-15. It should not be unusual to see it on new airframes since we have an indication that the engine is in some form of mass production.
Yes, but isn't this a "a sort of silver collar at the base near where it joins the fuselage"?
Might I correct something:
Upon closer inspection to other images of WS-15, it seems that there IS indeed a very thin silver collar.
But its way thinner that what's present on the WS-10C. So perhaps that's not entirely image artifacts (but its definitely possible).


Lieutenant General
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It is true that J-20 most likely will not dominate the F-22 in air to air combat, both BVR and WVR.

Now will the improved J-20A with WS-15 engine dominate the F-35 ?!

well, I think we should be very very careful with such claims and any reasonable analyst would avoid such bold claims; there is nothing that makes it sure, the J-20 would dominate the F-22 and also nothing the J-20A would be better than the F-35.

all what can be done is to discuss strong on weak points for both types but for such a simplistic statement we simply do not know enough and many factors depend on much more than on a single Quartetts game comparison of single points. What are additional assets in combat, what about training and individual pilot capabilities?

Again, I would be very careful with such claims.

PS just saw you wrote „would not dominate“ but anyway my point is still valid