J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VI

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Measuring the centerline wing root and the wing tip, I also got wing area of 73.3 sqm.



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She's a pretty looking thing from the top. Reminds me of the canard KFX concepts. Only real.


I posted the following in CDF in response to Deino's estimates, because I think they might be a bit off. Some of the points here are points I made earlier in this thread, but I can't go back and edit earlier posts. Apologies for the repetition.

"I personally think Deino slightly overestimated the length and slightly underestimated the wingspan. For the J-20 he chose to use (the one on the right) you can see the vertical tail extends further out than the stingers, but in the plane in the center this is not the case. This suggests some degree of distortion, where because the vertical tails are taller they're closer to the camera, and will seem bigger, which can make them look like they're extending out more. Because of that I would recommend using the stinger as the tip of the tail end of the plane and not the vertical tails. I'll also note that the Flanker in the center of the image is positioned slightly at an angle relative to the J-20s. If you draw a straight line from tip to tip of that Flanker both lengthwise and widthwise, that slight angle will have the effect of making the Flanker seem both shorter and wider than the J-20 than it actually is, which in turn will skew estimates of the J-20's dimensions toward longer and narrower. My recommendation would be to isolate the Flanker in the center and rotate it a half a degree or slightly more to straighten it up first before taking measures."
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Lieutenant General
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Su-35 (WITHOUT Pitot tube) - ??.??m

Note: Nose is to blurry so a few pixels got cut in all the planes

EDIT: We need the correct length for the Su-35. We can't use the values for the Su-27 or Su-33

I measure 12.71 m wingspan and 20.93 m length, using 21.9 m length for Su-35.

But what has this all do do with the Su-35 ??? These are clearly J-16s.


I measure 12.71 m wingspan and 20.93 m length, using 21.9 m length for Su-35.
I just realized we may not be able to get a precise wing area using these pictures. I'm not 100% certain about this yet, but there might be a slight distortion that lengthens vertical dimensions relative to horizontal ones in the picture. I remember checking to see if I could get to a 14.7 meter wingspan for the Flanker using the relative ratios between the length and wingspan of the plane, and fell just short (we can still get a reasonable wingspan estimate by comparing the ratio of the J-20's wingspan to the Flanker's though I think). You may want to check this for yourself just to be sure.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I'm consistently getting between 20.4 and 20.85 in length and between 12.86 and 13.27 in wing span using the J-20 and Flanker in the center with no magnification to the original image (I zoomed in till I could see each individual pixel to try to determine the edges of the wingtips, nose, and stingers). For the J-20 I got between 192 and 194 pixels in length and 119-121 pixels in wingspan. For the Flanker I got between 204 and 206 pixels in length and between 134 and 136 pixels in wingspan. I think the fudge factor for where the edges are is about 1-3 pixels in the original. I do think the Flanker is bigger than the J-20 by a bit more than what our measurements suggest though since, as I mentioned earlier, it is slightly angled in the picture. Attached is my homework, in case people want to judge for themselves where I chose to draw the edge of the wings, nose, and tail. Yes it's supposed to be that small (no magnification remember).
And what about the weapons bay " genius" ? what you want sometimes report can be unpleasant !
But it is not real life...


But what has this all do do with the Su-35 ??? These are clearly J-16s.

Major face-palm! These are J-16. There camo should have been the 1st give away. Regardless, Su-30MKK is 21.93m with the pitot-tube. Are the J-16 dimensions identical to the MKK/MK2?
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