J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VI

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A certain individual here is taking advantage of the fact that not everyone here, including the moderators, are well versed on the subject of aerodynamics.

For those of us in the know though, what he is spouting is just a barrage of his own, mostly wrong, interpretation of aerodynamics principles that, he himself may not realize, betrays his lack of understanding of the subject even at the basic level.

He is able to get away with it so far mainly because the people with the stick here wrongly thought that he could be making legitimate arguments, which we know is far from being the case most of the time and to the point of being ridiculous some of the time.
name calling "A certain individual" is not polite plus if you are not well versed how can you say i am wrong?being critical does not mean being an enemy, it is only another point of view as valid as yours, if then being critic i will not post but the quality of conversation here will go down too because J-20 is an aircraft as such aerodynamics always will pop up, i will not coment too much but you all of you are not polite in fact are just ganging against other opinions and this thread goes off topic because sometimes people discuss the topic too long as such i know i am guilty, but troll i am not, critic yes i am, you might not like it maybe, but the quality of a conversation is based on respect
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Again that's the issue and if I made a mistake I honestly apologize.

MY problem is only that esp. one certain member always starts with off-topic issues which others - including Yourself - pick up ... then I issue a reminder, maybe a warning and if it does not work - what's in most issues the case - I have to go thru about a dozen pages and delete all off-topic posts.

Since I was away in UK during the weekend these were about 36 posts spread over 10 pages ... and then it could happen that I also deleted one not-off-topic or - maybe in You case - reminded again.

It is indeed a mess and You simply can't do it right ... either You delete too much and too strict, or You warn the wrong ones ...

Deino :(
In fact i will stay away from the thread, starting from now, to respect you, however disagreement is not trolling, being critic is not trolling from now i will not post here for at least 3 months, any way it takes me too much time in absurd conversation and insults from people who consider i am a troll for being critic



name calling "A certain individual" is not polite plus if you are not well versed how can you say i am wrong?being critical does not mean being an enemy, it is only another point of view as valid as yours, if then being critic i will not post but the quality of conversation here will go down too because J-20 is an aircraft as such aerodynamics always will pop up, i will not coment too much but you all of you are not polite in fact are just ganging against other opinions and this thread goes off topic because sometimes people discuss the topic too long as such i know i am guilty, but troll i am not, critic yes i am, you might not like it maybe, but the quality of a conversation is based on respect

I'm just stating the facts.

Okay, enough of OT, Mig-29.


Lieutenant General
I guess some people here cannot live with the idea that China can built stealth and potent aircraft. That is why the constant dissing of anything China makes. It is they who have chip on their shoulder. But time to move on

Here is the video of the J 20 pilot interview at 1:02


name calling "A certain individual" is not polite plus if you are not well versed how can you say i am wrong?being critical does not mean being an enemy, it is only another point of view as valid as yours, if then being critic i will not post but the quality of conversation here will go down too because J-20 is an aircraft as such aerodynamics always will pop up, i will not coment too much but you all of you are not polite in fact are just ganging against other opinions and this thread goes off topic because sometimes people discuss the topic too long as such i know i am guilty, but troll i am not, critic yes i am, you might not like it maybe, but the quality of a conversation is based on respect
Different opinion is not trolling but you are TROLLING. If you present things that are factually incorrect (ignore others when they point it out), then build arguments on them, then that is trolling. Saying that the grass is red and the oceans are white is not a valid different opinion; that is trolling, just like you arguing that any aircraft longer than F-22 must be interceptor. What you routinely do here is present many arguments around factually, provably wrong information, then allude to your relationship with women when cornered. It doesn't get trollier than that... except maybe when you go on your severely drunken religious rants LOL
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Estimation on the current J-20/J-20A production for all demonstrators, prototypes and LRIP-birds so far known ... and IMO it fit's nicely up to mid-2017.

What do You think so that I can update it?
View attachment 43141
First LRIP can be consided pre series birds ?
i means at least the 2 first Henri K evoke them separately

For help you
Following the same logic, and knowing that the first two series J-20, registered respectively 78271 and 78272, were produced in 2015, followed by the other five between 2016 and early 2017
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Lieutenant General
Staff member
Super Moderator
Registered Member
Thanks ... Also with about 1 aircraft per 1.5 or 2 months built between June/July and now maybe 3 more + '2021' could be likely, what fits to the unconfirmed ones spotted.

J-20A production estimated 2.jpg


Registered Member
name calling "A certain individual" is not polite plus if you are not well versed how can you say i am wrong?being critical does not mean being an enemy, it is only another point of view as valid as yours, if then being critic i will not post but the quality of conversation here will go down too because J-20 is an aircraft as such aerodynamics always will pop up, i will not coment too much but you all of you are not polite in fact are just ganging against other opinions and this thread goes off topic because sometimes people discuss the topic too long as such i know i am guilty, but troll i am not, critic yes i am, you might not like it maybe, but the quality of a conversation is based on respect

You are not an aeronautical engineer. You do not know anything about aerodynamics beyond the most basic google stuff. It's like someone who's created a circuit in high school claiming to be an electrical engineer and criticising Samsung electrical engineers in their design on leading technology that someone doesn't even understand. There is far more than meets your eye. Your level of intelligence shows you have barely made it through high school with your denial of Su-57 internal bay area so you need to stop talking rubbish as if they are facts. Do you get it? No one here thinks highly of your stupid claims. Even without being professional aeronautical engineers we can at least apply logic and debunk all your crap. What you call analysis is SOOOOOO laughable. You don't even know how to begin doing proper academic research and what real analysis entails. You are not annoying because you are critical. We are critical too at times. E.g. no WS-15. Questionable supercruise, small bay.... list goes on. This stuff we know within reason. The stuff you proclaim is pure undiluted nonsense at worst and pointless speculation at best. All while being presented as if it's truth. You have learnt much from Russian trolling campaigns I see.
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