J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VI

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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Any idea what will happen to the prototype birds?
Some for static tests to the plant ? surely at less 2 others to the plant ( 1 on GE + 4 J-10/JF-17 with 9 shelters ) and the rest with OEU which is also a OCU but on 2 types with J-16, 176 Bde.
Exist others location with J-20 ?
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Some for static tests to the plant ? surely at less 2 others to the plant ( 1 on GE + 4 J-10/JF-17 with 9 shelters ) and the rest with OEU which is also a OCU but on 2 types with J-16, 176 Bde.
Exist others location with J-20 ?
I imagine at least some of the prototypes will be used for further tinkering and development, and maybe also to study how the design will age with use to anticipate future maintenance and upkeep needs.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Absoultely beautiful image. One of the best.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Yeah, i'm getting some 4,3 m long weapon bay (perceived length, just tad shorter than distance from sawtooth edges) and around 1 meter wide. that's basically almost as wide and 0,3 m shorter than j-20

depth of the bay, however, i don't believe it will match the j-20's. FC31 is quite slim as it is - and with this huge bay there's just not enough room for fuel. I'd wager the depth will be custom fit to house pl-15 and that's it, nothing wider than that. (that's not to say that a lot of air to ground muntions won't also fit within the pl-15's footprint. 0.35 meters is still quite a lot. Should be enough, for example, for 500 kg class bombs. or even some elongated, slim JSOW counterpart.

I calculate also and not easy ! humble try

So for J-20, 4.6 m seems a little long

Here with PL-15 i have calculate comparing with PL-10 i have size... ! ( 2.96 x 0.2 - 0.6 m body,fins) do 3.9 m + some room i think weapons bay do 4.2 m long

PL-X/21 to 5.7 m about ofc

I check my notes, files i re post later.

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Registered Member
It's quite remarkable how Lockheed Martin was able to create enough room to squeeze 6 AMRAAMs and 2 sidewinders internally in the F-22. J-20's main bay also looks like it's tapered towards the front owing to the intakes immediately in front of it. This won't really impact what it can carry though but I doubt it'll be able to do the F-22 stack for 6 total MRAAMs even if next gen missiles are much smaller. Looks like PLAAF will have to settle with 4 MRAAMs in stealth mode. My biggest grievance with J-20. Still a very commendable effort! Let's see if anyone else can manage even 4 MRAAMs and 2 SRAAMs. Maybe future medium missiles will fit in side bays since PL-10 is rather long.


It's quite remarkable how Lockheed Martin was able to create enough room to squeeze 6 AMRAAMs and 2 sidewinders internally in the F-22. J-20's main bay also looks like it's tapered towards the front owing to the intakes immediately in front of it. This won't really impact what it can carry though but I doubt it'll be able to do the F-22 stack for 6 total MRAAMs even if next gen missiles are much smaller. Looks like PLAAF will have to settle with 4 MRAAMs in stealth mode. My biggest grievance with J-20. Still a very commendable effort! Let's see if anyone else can manage even 4 MRAAMs and 2 SRAAMs. Maybe future medium missiles will fit in side bays since PL-10 is rather long.
I think that tapering is perspective distortion, not the actual shape of the bay. Images we have of the plane’s belly all indicate a rectangular shape. Also, given just how much room was left with two missiles inside the *demonstrator* design (to my recollection we have not seen the bays loaded in the production design) I would be shocked if they couldn’t find a way to squeeze 3 MRAAMs in per side. As I recall, even in the demonstrator design you could have just barely jiggered in a tight fit for three if you adjusted the pylon placements.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
It's quite remarkable how Lockheed Martin was able to create enough room to squeeze 6 AMRAAMs and 2 sidewinders internally in the F-22. J-20's main bay also looks like it's tapered towards the front owing to the intakes immediately in front of it. This won't really impact what it can carry though but I doubt it'll be able to do the F-22 stack for 6 total MRAAMs even if next gen missiles are much smaller. Looks like PLAAF will have to settle with 4 MRAAMs in stealth mode. My biggest grievance with J-20. Still a very commendable effort! Let's see if anyone else can manage even 4 MRAAMs and 2 SRAAMs. Maybe future medium missiles will fit in side bays since PL-10 is rather long.
As have pointed latenlazy it is rather Rayethon which have the credit and LM do good job for F-35 with big bombs can host internaly 2000 lbs but necessary a fat body you see clearly with rear view and big engine also ofc less elegant but elegant and powerful sometimes difficult LOL
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