J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread V

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squeezing the moisture out of the air into a high G maneuver, well the narrator of this video gives me the reason ;):D:p

It means nothing. Like anything else this is all a formula. What was the altitude, the air temperature, the humidity levels, the aircraft speed and force applied from the surfaces?

Like any formula you can have exactly the same results (condensation) and have completely different inputs. And all that means is that it shows you absolutely nothing about "how well" an aircraft performs.

Now, can we put this stupid debate to rest?


Lieutenant General
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Guys, I have enough !! :mad:

You got a kind reminder to STOP this off-topic, non-specificly J-20-trelated discussion on aerodynamics and so on !

Continue this either in the separate thread I created already long, long ago or simply shut up.

Now deem this as a WARNING !


asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Can some one tell me what's going on with this canopy ? I thought J20 had single piece ?

What this white zig zag above his helmet looks awful



Can some one tell me what's going on with this canopy ? I thought J20 had single piece ?

What this white zig zag above his helmet looks awful
Explosive strip for ejection purposes.

The technology demonstrators 2001 and 2002 had canopies that provided all-aspect vision but the prototypes 2011-2017 and LRIP aircraft introduced a bracing structure like the F-35's.

Basically, both the PLAAF and USAF decided all-aspect vision canopies simply weren't worth it.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Basically, there are 3 ways for ejection seats to work in relationship to the canopy:

1. Jettison the canopy before firing the ejection seat's rocket motor

2. The ejection seat extends a ram to shatter the canopy before The rocket motor fires and seat goes through the newly created hole in the canopy.

3. The canopy contains embedded explosive cord that detonated and shatters the canpy in prescribed pattern before the rocket motor fired and the seat goes through the newly created hole in the canopy.

J-20 obviously uses the third method. If I am not mistaken, this is new for the Chinese air force. Previously all Chinese fighters relied on jettisoning the canopy. The method used by j-20 is primarily used elsewhere with British Martin baker ejection seats. F-14, Harriet and F-35 all uses Martin Baker ejection seats. Most American and Russian seats uses canopy jettison.

It would be interesting to know what design consideration prompted the Chinese to abandon their traditional canopy jettison and switch to explosive cord method to deal the canopy during ejection.


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Explosive strip for ejection purposes.

The technology demonstrators 2001 and 2002 had canopies that provided all-aspect vision but the prototypes 2011-2017 and LRIP aircraft introduced a bracing structure like the F-35's.

Basically, both the PLAAF and USAF decided all-aspect vision canopies simply weren't worth it.

EODAS mitigates the visibility issue some what.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
EODAS mitigates the visibility issue some what.

When the pilot is looking out of his cockpit, his eyes are focused on infinity. When his eyes are thus focused, a thin strip embeddd in the canopy a foot or so from his eyes will block nothing and and will not even form an image on his retina because of the way his eyes are focused.

Try focusing your eyes on a very distant object. Then without taking your eyes off the object, hold a thin rod, say a pencil, a foot in front of your eyes between you and the distant object. You would find it does nothing to interrupt your vision.




JacKsonbobo feels miffed he didn't get credited. I think the Chinese aviation photographers would like to get credited by name rather than an overarching "Chinese internet" for their photos. If you have trouble finding the photographers of the original photographs, Chinese members of SDF and I are more than happy to help you find them.
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