Especially if that eye happens to emit X-band radiation.
Well then you might get actual numbers, but that's the MkIII eyeball of some of you really smart guys, the AFB has done quite well for over a 1/2 century on two MKI eyeballs. Of course my landing gear question is somewhat absurd, but I'm rather certain that each of our posters get the point. Additional surfaces hanging in the breeze will in fact increase RCS despite all protestations to the contrary!
As I stated previously, It is my firm belief that the J-20 is a very sound design, and I fully expect that the Chinese will continue to "tweak" the RCS numbers on this bird as it begins to get serious.
Hey, could I get one of those eyeballs, I could use it when I'm driving the school bus! would that freak the little buggers out?? even if all you did was hang it from the mirror like fuzzy dice?? LOL