Thank You so much !!!!! --- regarding the engines, again a bit different ones, while the right one looks always a bit larger or wider open than the left one.
It looks like a huge dragon spreading its wings and ready to fly !
Follow the instruction below, U can download EVERY video you like from youku for FREE!
1. Find the icon looks like an UNDERLINED DOWNWARD ARROW beneath the video, click;
2. Here it comes a Sub Directory, find the link "PC客户端"("Client for PC") at right part of it, click;
3. Find the
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4. Start the .exe U just get in ADMINISTRATOR MODE to start Installation;
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6. "确定" means "confirm" in Chinese, what are U waiting for?
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I start a thread about PLA's recent large scale military exercise at Army section. If you are interested in that, pls come and have a look.