J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread IV (Closed to posting)

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Junior Member
David Axe is going to need a change of underwear... and a room freshener.


Gosh!If only this were real!


Junior Member
I agree with the sentiment, but it just isn't relevant at all. It's a sidetrack to the primary point, which is, all things considered, what exactly are we looking at. Is the J-20 a platform that has comparatively more lift or not? Does it have trade offs or not? If it does what are those trade offs? If it doesn't, why not?

Mig-29 constantly references the entire "all planes have trade offs", but there's hardly a discussion of what those trade offs are. He asserts something very general and when someone makes an argument for why that's wrong, instead of addressing those points he simply resorts to the "all planes have trade offs" argument as if everyone else doesn't know that. The issue here is that people dispute him on the specifics, and instead of engaging on the critique of the specific, he merely tries to wall off with general statements.

Yeah, I know... That's why I suggested that you guys not to debate with him on these things and let him work things out himself as time goes by (I believe it won't take too long, 2015 probably will shut many people up).

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Yeah, I know... That's why I suggested that you guys not to debate with him on these things and let him work things out himself as time goes by (I believe it won't take too long, 2015 probably will shut many people up).

Well, I hate to be a pessimist, but we have BHO, the Russians have Vlad, I'm just prayin that you guys end up with someone like these two in order to maintain parity? I love and trust you guys, really I do, but big GUV doesn't like the kind of freedom we all enjoy, and I know you guys are enjoying your freedom, because I sure love mine! Back on Topic, whats the name of the airfield where the two J-20s are now undergoing T an E? I'm sure I'm getting it wrong, any way I'm thinking its likely that Chengdu will roll out 2003 after the Chinese New Year, I'm hoping we see the WS-15, but thats prolly a long shot?


Senior Member
Re: Converting a J-20 design into China's next generation of strategic bomber

Wouldn't it make more sense converting it into a tactical bomber like the FB-22?

Simply elongate and widen the fuselage, replace delta-canard with tailless delta, and increase the size of the weapons bay. Voila.

so instead of watching Family Guy, i went and freehand this, tailless delta, removed cockpit, removed canard, slightly larger trapezoid wing to account for area ruling, kinda my recipe for a JH-20



Re: Converting a J-20 design into China's next generation of strategic bomber

I feel like the J-20 could at best become a tactical bomber roughly the equivelent of a FB-111. For a strat bomber I guess a completely new design is a better option. At some point down the road this will become a topic, but for now I believe it can remain a lower priority. You could do away with the canards, although I'm not so sure how a tailless (I mean no vert stabs) design would do at supersonic speeds.

With a slightly bulkier mid fuselage (negative effects on drag may be partly offset by greater length) it could carry ARMs glide bombs and generally ASMs below CM sized ordenance. There it would be a high speed / high altitude bomber making "silent" dash runs against high value targets.
Or with a greater redisign (that results in higher wingloading for more stability in low level) make it a low level attacker, although I guess that's the harder to achieve solution.

That being said, I don't really think the J-20 will produce a Su-34 like offspring in the next decade at least. It'll carry PGMs for attacks on certain targets much like F-22, and J-16 & JH-7B will take cary of the heavy bombing stuff for the time being.


Lieutenant General
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Re: Converting a J-20 design into China's next generation of strategic bomber

If so, in your professional opinion, would China still need a new generation strategic bomber?

An FB-22 like J-20 would be a medium theatre bomber/striker. It still will not be big enough to carry cruise missiles internally or or haul large loads of bombs over long distances.


Junior Member
Re: Converting a J-20 design into China's next generation of strategic bomber

Basically, it depends on whether China wants to use refueled tactical bombers, like J-20Bs, to strike targets in the 2nd island chain, or whether China wants dedicated long-range strategic bombers to hit those targets.
Re: Converting a J-20 design into China's next generation of strategic bomber

so instead of watching Family Guy, i went and freehand this, tailless delta, removed cockpit, removed canard, slightly larger trapezoid wing to account for area ruling, kinda my recipe for a JH-20


Try and turn the cockpit into Su-34/F-111/B-1 style if you may.

On the side note, I kinda wonder if the DSI will remain the same size
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