J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread IV (Closed to posting)

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Re: Converting a J-20 design into China's next generation of strategic bomber

well since the J-20 thread is closed i post here the latest pictures of J-20, well i think they are the latest




Nice photos.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Thread opened. I eliminated about 40+ post. No..I did not read each and every one. But I read enough to get tired of the arguments & name calling.

Knock off the useless arguments and silly bickering and discuss the J-20. There is a thread about aerodynamics. Use it!

Aerodynamics thread

Continued useless arguments and personal attacks will lead to suspensions.

bd popeye super moderator


The Punisher
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More posts moved to the Aerodynamics thread. Let get back to J-20 discussions.


Lieutenant General
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Just found at the CDF posted by "j10":

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Welcome home! J-20 2002 was being tested at CAC Today. :rolleyes:

歼20 2002号 打靶归来要首飞 老规矩:成绩单贴在肚皮上(直播贴)

时间 14:28分


14:32 一架k8 滑向跑道准备升空

14:33 k8已升空 02号 静静等待 看不见编号 从副翼看应该是02号

14:36 另一架K8也正在做升空准备

14:38 02号驾驶员已进舱 空调车已离去 准备启动

14:42 发动机如雷贯耳

14:43 翼动展示

14:48 02号加力高滑一次 滑向北方 马上又回来了 这下看清了 就是02号

14:53 02号机回到原来位置 试飞员被接走 (估计马上进行充电,空调)

14:54 第二架 K8准备升空

14:54 02号电瓶车已靠近

14:57 02号减速伞已装好 2个工作人员从机背上下来了

15:01 第二架K8 升空 02号 还在充电

15:06 现在空调车已经就位 开始工作15:23 空调车已经开走 驾驶员已经上车

15:35 歼20 2002 号 第二次高滑结束

15:56 充电车虽已上去,但加油车和空调车未动,能见度越来越差,跑道灯已关 有可能飞不了了

16:27 第三次高滑结束 前方侦查员 换位置

16:42 20已经拉回机库,直播结束,晚上有高清大图,期待明天可以升空。








Lieutenant General
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Additional ones .... and just to ask. Is 2001 also back home, since I've never seen this image !??? :confused:


  • J-20 2001 - unknown date.jpg
    J-20 2001 - unknown date.jpg
    120.5 KB · Views: 69
  • J-20 2001 - unknown date 2.jpg
    J-20 2001 - unknown date 2.jpg
    154.5 KB · Views: 64
  • J-20 2001 - unknown date + strange canard position.jpg
    J-20 2001 - unknown date + strange canard position.jpg
    132.7 KB · Views: 55


Junior Member
So what are those markings on the side for?

Someone in another forum mentioned weapons, but I agree with others who told me that it's far too early for that. Are they some kind of stress testing?

Are these old ones or new ones? If new, why high speed taxing again?

They look like they were taken during the summer or something.
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Junior Member
So what are those markings on the side for?

Someone in another forum mentioned weapons, but I agree with others who told me that it's far too early for that. Are they some kind of stress testing?

They look like they were taken during the summer or something.

My guess is they are optimizing fly control/handling quality under some fly conditions, especially for the edges of flight envelop or open bays.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
My guess is they are optimizing fly control/handling quality under some fly conditions, especially for the edges of flight envelop or open bays.

Same reason the "nuclear signs" were on the J-15, The chase aircraft video all the test parameters to monitor the actual aircraft position and attitude, those tapes are then matched up with the control inputs and test cycles for a very detailed deconstruction of the whole flight, this IS rocket science, and the telemetry tells the tale! AFB
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