J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread IV (Closed to posting)

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Lieutenant General
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Well maybe we could just remove all the posts or pics in them that are confirmed to be PS.

That's excessive imo.

We're always going to get PSed pictures occasionally, either because someone posts them on here believing to be real, or because it's posted on here deliberately knowing it is a fake to warn others of it.

It's just one of the occupational hazards of PLA watching.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
I'm sorry if this can sound offensive, but I want to suggest a thread dedicated to authentic J-20 photos and news updates only. I'm sick of all those PS garbage being mixed and mingled with the authentic stuffs, and I personally have no interests in the PS no matter how authentic they look. So unless those photos are confirmed authentic, they don't get to go into the thread...and neither do non-J-20 news or comments not related to a recent news. It's great we're talking about the J-20 and all, but I'm sure there's a sizable population here where we only want to talk/discuss when there's something fresh for us to lead from. All the other talks are great, but if you notice, they usually sit right in between updates and not that many of us engage in it and m also usually quite irrelevant to things or updates. This is why I hope we can dedicate a thread for things we care about. (And PS is certainly not my thing)

I understand your frustration air, but I most sincerely am here for the discussion as well as the pictures, this is arguably my favorite thread on any forum, for the very things that you find maddening, I find entertaining. In the abscense of any real numbers and engineering papers, we have conjecture and extrapolation, and when those papers and numbers do come out, its always interesting to see who's taken the pulse of truth honestly and accurately. Those photo-shops are usually identified as such and keep many of us entertained between what are few and far between clean photos.


Lieutenant General
The idea won't work because as we have just seen some pics that have been declared PS for a while get posted anyway by those who haven't gotten the word. Maybe there should be a sticky in the J-20 thread and others for declared PS for those who want to check before they post.
Thanks y'all for the input. If it's not feasible, I guess I better appreciate what we have lol. Still one of our best threads. Not if only CAC sponsors us with more new stuffs...but then it's probably all up to the mercy of their programs, and it's certainly something worth wondering about what they can be doing at this moment in regards to the program.


The Punisher
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The idea won't work because as we have just seen some pics that have been declared PS for a while get posted anyway by those who haven't gotten the word. Maybe there should be a sticky in the J-20 thread and others for declared PS for those who want to check before they post.
When the thread gets to multiple pages in length, people would stop checking cuz it'll be very tedious work. I think getting the occasional PS pics and trying to sort them out from the real ones are just part of the job.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Thanks y'all for the input. If it's not feasible, I guess I better appreciate what we have lol. Still one of our best threads. Not if only CAC sponsors us with more new stuffs...but then it's probably all up to the mercy of their programs, and it's certainly something worth wondering about what they can be doing at this moment in regards to the program.

One final thought is that this thread brings many of us together as we patiently (or not), wait for further developments, it is a lynch-pin of the Sino-Defense forum, and one of the few threads that we see our (Rainbow Coalition), the other being the PLAN carrier thread.


I do think Deino should get a look-see, and bring us a proper update in Air Combat Monthly....... brat, oh and pictures

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Deino is going to like this one!

But those yellow blossoms in the foreground are probably a give away.


Banned Idiot
Deino is going to like this one!

But those yellow blossoms in the foreground are probably a give away.

It looks to me like all the edges on the j-20 in this picture show some heat shimmer, except the top of the intake. This tells me someone photoshopped the top of the intake.
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