J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread IV (Closed to posting)

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Deino, did you not get the memo? The Chinese decided to use 2011 as a static test frame, so it won't fly after all. :)
Oh...ouch. Now that was just low down.

Besides, Deino has the schedule down pat!

Deino said:
- back to work + preparation tomorrow (Friday 02.07)
- taxi-test (Saturday 02.08)
- check of the data ... (Sunday 02.09. - Monday 02.10)
- ready for take off and maiden flight on Tuesday 11.02

... You see its nearly '2011' mirrored !

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
No snow in Chengdu, only light rain and hazy weather.

He was inferring that since the J-20 has not flown, poor Deino would have to be out shoveling snow, instead of drooling over 2011. LOL and Deino, I would NEVER be so cruel as to "taunt" you about a first flight, I hope your Visa and Plane tickets arrive so that you might be there to witness it for us, how about it Chengdu, don't you think you'd love to have Deino, write a nice article, and post some pretty pictures in Combat Aircraft monthly. I for one think the PLAN has received far to much attention, and its time that the J-20 was presented to the world in true lady-like fashion. Anyway, it should be soon, and I was refreshing my memory, I had noted early on that they were flying the J-20 a lot, as I looked back, the Raptor program had two flying test articles, 4001 and 4002, then two non-flying test articles 3999 and 4000, the fifth test article was 4003, and I believe it was in the production configuration????? My point is this does shed a lot of light on the J-20, and the rather lengthy and involved prototyping and pre-production testing process. As anxious as I may be, its a lot easier than waiting for the Air Force Magazine to come every month, at least we have a line on this deal, and 2011 will fly
soon, so its all over but the waiting, I just hope Deino doesn't start chain-smoking. Makes me wish we were waiting on a new six gen bird, I have to admit, I am a little jealous of our Chinese brothers. brat


It looks like a real photo (to be honest, I am not sure)

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Lieutenant General
Staff member
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Registered Member
It looks like a real photo

No, it is simply the same psed tail we saw a few weeks (Jan. 18) ago only with the colours a bit turned down :mad: ... !

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  • J-20 2011 psed tail.jpg
    J-20 2011 psed tail.jpg
    130.3 KB · Views: 23
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Sorry, The Above Photo, Posted By Me, Is A Confirmed Photoshopped J-20 Photo (I just saw the original photo).

By the way, a Tea House near Chengfei has seats for Lease:

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I'm sorry if this can sound offensive, but I want to suggest a thread dedicated to authentic J-20 photos and news updates only. I'm sick of all those PS garbage being mixed and mingled with the authentic stuffs, and I personally have no interests in the PS no matter how authentic they look. So unless those photos are confirmed authentic, they don't get to go into the thread...and neither do non-J-20 news or comments not related to a recent news. It's great we're talking about the J-20 and all, but I'm sure there's a sizable population here where we only want to talk/discuss when there's something fresh for us to lead from. All the other talks are great, but if you notice, they usually sit right in between updates and not that many of us engage in it and also usually quite irrelevant to things or updates. This is why I hope we can dedicate a thread for things we care about. (And PS is certainly not my thing)
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