On the contrary IOC might not be for another 5 or so years, and there's still the new engine. Plus we're already seeing changes with the tail, and we also saw changes with the J-10B, so further changes before production aren't out of the question.
While the Air Force Brat has not seen any blue smoke from the wind tunnel, or any hard data, barring any major boo-boos in flight test, (and this is a possibility as we sure nuff haven't seen our girls out playing, and I have voiced my concerns in a previous post), the creation of the ADIZ will move money back to the J birds, I expect Xi himself to visit Chengdu just as he visited Shenyang, even if he does, IOC will still be 5-8 years at a minimum, thats what the J-20 is all about after all. With South Korea ordering F-35s along with Japan, this is a slam dunk for the J-20, and she will move to the front of the class, she is a maturing design, and if flight testing has proceeded as I believe it has, its "game on". brat