I think the images look heavily menipulated. So one would need more pictures to judge whether they really show a different configuration, or are merely doctored to change the appearence of an previously known airframe.
the first image is a photo-negative of the second one. the fact that "goneless" has posted both these photos means that he probably recieved the first one, inversed the colour, and got the second picture with what appears to show the j-20 in light coloured paint (primer?)
however it looks like the second photo (the supposed original) has, like you say, been heavily manipulated; the contrast has been turned up so far that the highlights are completely blown out (eg. rear ventral stabilizer, top half of fuselage under the cockpit).
looks like a very smart trick by the person who inverted the original photo to me: post a manipulated photo-negative, make the fanboys invert the colours so they feel like accomplished detectives when they get the "original." if this person only posted the second photo, people would instantly call b.s. because the photo manipulation is obvious. when people have to do work for the original image, it suddenly seems more credible. i originally opened the first photo and inverted it myself with irfanview, without having looked at the second photo. for a moment i was fooled, before realizing how messed up the photo looked.