and what is that blade aerial? radar?
Does this mean J-10C will not have those rear hemisphere UV MAWS? If so, wouldn't that be a serious disadvantage?
and what is that blade aerial? radar?
What are those small circular things that looks like dentist's mirrors near the nose and underside. Will J-10C have some sort of 360 degrees optical sensors?
I'm sure they have a good reason for deleting the back MAW sensors. Either they have something better or they need that space for something else that is worth the compromise of getting rid of the MAW sensors. I doubt they come together and say how can we make this plane less capable.
I'm not sure which circular things you are referring to, but I see nothing that looks indicative of 360 degree EO apertures.
The only circular thing that resembles what you describe is the IFR probe attachment point (small white circle) on the right side of the J-10's nose...
I doubt that it will be because of the unit cost per aircraft. But its possible that a new radar needs a lot more power. And they have to sacrifice the back MAW system for that.What if it's because of the limitation of the power plant, or budget per aircraft? They have to choose between the new radar and MAWS, and experimenting with a prototype that we call as J-10C?