J-10 already deployed in North East China, North China, East China, West South China, Now, it has been deployed in South China,the military's intention is very clear that all these regional face to wars potential crises.
North West China deploy J-11, later will be J-11B, they are long range, as support air force for Sino-India border.
some source say next time J-10 will be deployed to 4th division.
this is Lee Feng who is the head of 25th Regiment, 9th division,To obtain once first class merit, once second-class merit, third class merit 4 times. March 7, 2009, Li Feng in a air distress incident major special situations,he has saved a new type of China-made third-generation fighters in order to collect data on aircraft forced to land in an empty slip made a significant contribution, the Air Force gave him first class merit and grant "Air Force Merit Gold Medal for flying personnel", won the 13th session of the" China 5.4 Youth medals. "
李峰,安徽灵璧人,1971年4月出生,1989年8月入伍,1993年11月入党,本科学历,空军上校军衔,特级飞行员,昼夜间指挥员、教员、四机长机,现任空军航空兵某团团长,荣立一等功一次,二等功一次,三等功4次。2009年3月7 日,李峰在处置一起重大空中特情中挽救了一架国产第三代新型战机,为收集战机空滑迫降数据作出了重大贡献,空军为他记一等功并授予“空军功勋飞行人员金质荣誉奖章”,荣获第十三届“中国青年五四奖章”