J-10 Thread III (Closed to posting)

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VIP Professional
Its really now Lenovo Thinkpad, and Lenovo did push the envelope further than IBM with regards to Thinkpads.

This new plane truly looks wonderful like everything about it from tip to tail blends with a purpose.

Violet Oboe

Junior Member
J-10B is really a distinguished beauty!:cool:

Nice to see that Chengdu's birds are eventually developing a distinctive design profile giving PLAAF an easily recognizable modern face.


Banned Idiot
Can anyone tell whether they have followed the Americans in counter sinking the rivets, in the construction of the J10B?


Banned Idiot

I know this is not true, but J-10A always looks kind of flimsy to me.

Especially the shots of it taxing along the runway. I wonder it the under carriage is narrower then what one is use to seeing, thus giving the impression of a lit bit of unsteadiness.


Junior Member
I believe I have spotted a few J10s at Shantou on the lastest GE image, where 24 hardened shelters were built and photos of J10s on the ground had appeared before.


Lieutenant General
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I believe I have spotted a few J10s at Shantou on the lastest GE image, where 24 hardened shelters were built and photos of J10s on the ground had appeared before.

Seems to be Shantou NE with its 35. Div / 103. Reg. :confused:



  • J-10A new regiment - 35. Div Shantou northeast.jpg
    J-10A new regiment - 35. Div Shantou northeast.jpg
    52.3 KB · Views: 118


Banned Idiot
I am comparing the landing gear of the J-10 and Rafael.
The J-10 landing gear looks way too simple.
Do you think this is reflective the overall industrial capibility and sophistication of the J-10 is not at the level of the western counterparts?

And Why the Rafel has that green light hud glowing like the F-22, and the J-10 doesn't?


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New Member
Rafale is a carrier-borne fighter which means it has to take hard landing frequently, that's why it has bigger and stronger landing gears. On a side note, F-15 doesn't have overly sophisticated looking landing gear either.
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I am comparing the landing gear of the J-10 and Rafael.
The J-10 landing gear looks way too simple.
Do you think this is reflective the overall industrial capibility and sophistication of the J-10 is not at the level of the western counterparts?

And Why the Rafel has that green light hud glowing like the F-22, and the J-10 doesn't?


Or maybe, you're looking at a carrier version, which needs to handle high stress landing...

Seriously, I doubt landing gears have anything to do with how capable an aircraft is or developed a country's industrial capability is. It could just be that they don't have elaborate looking landing gear because they don't need it.

As for the HUD, maybe it's because we've never seen a J-10B with its HUD turned on? (It's not even in production yet)
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