In my opinion, a round surface IS a curved surface. Strictly speaking in the sense of geometry, a round surface is caused by curving a flat surface, thus a curved surface. ALL curved surface can form a circle. The rounder ones form smaller circles while the flatter ones form bigger circles. I think what you have in mind is the actual difference in the magnitude of curvature, which is determined by the radius of the curvature. Bigger the radius, bigger the angle and rounder the object looks.
Imagine a fixed scan angle and a fixed scan distance from 2 scanned objects. One of them a round ball and the other a slightly curved surface. Imagine both of them cover the entire scanned view (or scanned cone in 3D). Then ask the question: Which of the objects has more reflected areas? The answer should be of course the round object, which is also the less stealthy of the two objects.
(There's more to this (like the incident angle) , but let's not drag this on)
Okay. To end the story, I'm just giving the opinion that, stealth-wise and performance wise, there must be a better way of controlling air inlet flow other than DSI (as well as the variable intake). The designers of the F-22 may have already found a way. OTOH, the use of composite (and even radar transparent material) in the DSI, may have already rendered that unnecessary in the near future.
The End.
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