what do the bangladesh AF want to do with so much fire power? to bomb burma?
Not sure but IMO this is a psed fake !!
For their own defence purposes, or airshow, or evaluating the firepower of the aircrafts. And there is no such thing as so much fire power in defence and military.
And why can't Bangladesh AF have that much firepower? Is it a monopoly that only certain countries that belong to some elite club command good and fierce firepower?
Indeed, those are live missiles the J10A is packing. Definitely not what you want for a mock dogfight!
Information from Xiaomi (millet) from dingsheng military forum on the recent sino-pakistanis exercise. Don't know whether this is made up, Sao take it with a grain of salt.
1) Both J-10 and J-7 participated in the exercise.
2) PLAAF J-7s fought the PAF J-7s and Mirages to a tie.
3) J-10 won decisively against the Mirages and J-7s, which was expected.
Now, Bangladesh was requesting for LOAN, not paid by cash. This means the money is not in her pocket yet (we won't discuss if she will eventually pay for it or will ask China to write it off) which, in turn, means she has priority on other fields like rural area development, infrastructure, and so on. She really shouldn't spend billions of dollars which end up just hanging around for some decade and finally written off without actually using them in combat (unless she has urgent combat needs, then OK). If you're not rich enough, don't join a VIP club.
What I meant when answering to Hardware post was that there are many reasons why Bangladesh would want the planes (on loan or otherwise). And none of us here know exactly why they want it unless you have insider information. And who knows, they might need it for urgent combat needs, or they want to evaluate the fighter's capability and whatever.
Tags: China J-10; Pakistan Mirage; exercises; flying in formation;