J-10 Thread III (Closed to posting)

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Large-scale offensive and defensive drills




Banned Idiot
Looks like every military region is getting a 100 bird drill of some kind. It's like the 1964 all military drill replayed in 2012.


Sinodefence forum is slow lately. If someone has a good source of information, please sharing with us.

Personally, I believe that J-10B will join PLAAF very soon, then PLANAF.
J-20 & J-31 will have at least 5 years to go this far.



Sinodefence forum is slow lately. If someone has a good source of information, please sharing with us.

Personally, I believe that J-10B will join PLAAF very soon, then PLANAF.
J-20 & J-31 will have at least 5 years to go this far.


So this looks like an artistic statue of some sort, just like the one we saw a few days ago?


Banned Idiot
 中国航空工业消息人士指出,歼-11B歼击机安装机械扫描雷达,将来计划在歼-11/16/15上安装有源相控阵雷达。中国已经用了8年多的时间研制机载有源相控阵雷达,其造价不高,性能先进,而且 雷达重量甚至低于俄罗斯产品。目前歼-10B歼击机使用的无源相控阵雷达,这也证实了汉和有关中国歼-10B机载雷达是俄制相控阵雷达仿制品的推测,而且这些观察已经得到了其他渠道的确认。不久前北京博物馆开 设了机载无线电电子设备展厅,非常清楚地表明歼-10B配备无源相控阵雷达。据悉,除了国产太行发动机之外,中国歼-11B还安装了国产新型航电设备和座舱显示器。(编译:林海)

from previous post.
China been developing AESA radar for past 8 years,and plan to install it on J-11,16 and 15...
but there's no mention of similiar plan for J-10B.


Senior Member
J-10B's development centres around the AESA radar, low RCS, use of composites, incorporation of Divertless Supersonic Intakes and WS-10 Taihangs as its power plant. Common sense would tell you that China wouldn't be spending all the money and TIME on developing the J-10B, if it wasnt planning on introducing higher performance combat aircraft with technologies like AESA,LRCS, DSI & WS-10s.


Senior Member
Whether J10B eventually gets an AESA ? I'm sure J16 will be the first in PLAAF to come standard with one. It's just a much better fit than J10. Big nose and engines to house and power the powerful radar not to mention greater need for one to overcome their bigger RCS disadvantage.
USAF put one on F15 before F16 if ever. RSAF put one on their F15SG before F16. Only those without heavy fighters choose to put it on their F16 like the UAE & Taiwan.


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 中国航空工业消息人士指出,歼-11B歼击机安装机械扫描雷达,将来计划在歼-11/16/15上安装有源相控阵雷达。中国已经用了8年多的时间研制机载有源相控阵雷达,其造价不高,性能先进,而且 雷达重量甚至低于俄罗斯产品。目前歼-10B歼击机使用的无源相控阵雷达,这也证实了汉和有关中国歼-10B机载雷达是俄制相控阵雷达仿制品的推测,而且这些观察已经得到了其他渠道的确认。不久前北京博物馆开 设了机载无线电电子设备展厅,非常清楚地表明歼-10B配备无源相控阵雷达。据悉,除了国产太行发动机之外,中国歼-11B还安装了国产新型航电设备和座舱显示器。(编译:林海)

from previous post.
China been developing AESA radar for past 8 years,and plan to install it on J-11,16 and 15...
but there's no mention of similiar plan for J-10B.

where is your source for this? I see this kind of nonsense get posted online all the time. It really doesn't mean much.

And from what I can see, a good amount of your annoymous stuff is from kanwa articles.
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