Like i showed with similar figures for f16, it is possible that 1650 km is actual combat range. Of course, it HAS to be with three full external fuel tanks. I would just like of your opinions on the size of those external tanks, but they seem large enough, as if the underwing tanks alone hold at least 1200 kg of fuel each.
Also, remember this?
designer of jf17 held a presentation for jf-17 at dubai airshow.
He showed various slides and mentioned two very concrete mission examples.
1. 1400 km combat range - all at cruise altitude. AA mission. 4 missiles, 3 tanks. The slides mention center tank holds 800 L, underwing tanks 1100 L of fuel. He doesnt mention how long does the plane last at the max point, nor what sort of manouvering it does.
2. 1000 km combat range. 2 aam, 4 250kg bombs. all 3 tanks. plane starts of at medium altitude (whatever that is), approaches target, does a low altitude penetration and egress (doesn't mention how far away LO portion of mission starts) then climbs to high altitude for cruise home.
Neither of the examples mention what is the fuel allowance for emergencies, but if those are real world examples they should include some 20 minutes of loiter.
The slides also mention jf17 has internal fuel hold of 2300 kg.
Now we don't know similar stuff for j10 but one can guesstimate. simply increasing the internal fuel allowance by the same percentage al31 is more powerful than rd93 gives around 3400 kg of fuel for j10. That seems quite realistic because f16 carries 3175 kg of fuel internally.
jf17 uses 1100 L fuel tanks underwing, which should translate to some 920 kg. That... is a bit low for j10. certainly j10's tanks seem bigger than that, but are they really? who knows. I just know that f16s underwing tanks are 1400 L gallon or 1134 kg each. And isrealies actually use sometimes 600 gallon tanks on their f16.