the data if from international arms transfer database which is in PDF format only and that is what China has imported nothing else
only other engine that China imported from Russia in those years was 55 x D-30 turbofans for H-6K delivered between 2009-2011
according to estimates it is suggested that China has in excess of 100+ AL-31 for use on furture J10 and Flankers, so enough for 1 Regiment of each aircraft roughly, also China has produced more than 200 WS-10 engines and probably has a healthy number of those ready too
do you have the link for that. I look up sipri Chinese import, but it provides everything in dollar amount. It show the following for 2008 to 2011.
Engines 141 56 164 494 855
So 855 million altogether. That doesn't seem like enough for 2 batches of 122 AL-31FNs