J-10 Thread III (Closed to posting)

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There has been a lot of news coming out recently about exercises recently involving J-10 and different variants of J-11s. It's been said that J-11B got whipped by both J-10 and J-11 in the exercises from past year. Also, there has been a lot of articles about J-10s successes recently. Here is an opinion piece recently (based on a recent news report on CCTV) that the J-10s from the 26th regiment of 9th division defeated the elite J-11 regiments from 2nd division by ratio of 7:1. Now, you have to take this with a grain of salt, because we don't know the rules of engagement that these results took place under. There have been times that J-11 regiments, especially this elite one from 2nd division, have much better exchanges against J-10. It seems like the lopsided J-10 victories get reported more. Anyhow, seems to be interesting that it mentions the combat radius of J-10 extends to 1500 to 2200 km with fuel tanks or refueling.







  歼10是中国拥有自主知识产权的多用途战斗机,作战性能可媲美F-16C/D。作为中国国产最先进的战机,歼-10的新闻备受各方瞩目。外界估计歼 -10在不加油的情况下最远航程为3400公里。这一理论数字的意义是歼-10不做任何战术动作,直线飞出最远到1700公里后必须折返。而如果执行低空隐蔽飞行、进入空战区域与敌格斗,都将大量消耗燃料,从而使飞行距离大幅减少。国外军事观察家认为歼-10在执行这些复杂任务时大概能在离机场700公里外进行有效的空战。

外电认为中国的“飞豹”载油、载弹量都比较大,具备在不加油的情况下对南海地区实施海空作战的能力。但近年来“飞豹”的有力对手正逐渐出现在与中国有岛屿和海洋权益争端的东盟国家,它们就是俄罗斯的苏霍伊家族战机苏-27、苏-30,它们已经在越南、马来西亚、印度尼西亚空军服役,三国总计拥有苏 -30约30架,苏-27约17架。

  而中国的一系列主力战机如果实现空中加油后,这就意味着针对南海、东海、台海及更远方向的海空域,中国空军都拥有了支援能力。海外军事评论家认为歼 -10空中加油成功、空军能够经常性、长距离地巡航,表明中国军力能够涵盖中国之外的海洋。外媒认为,这是中国空军走出国门,从国土防空到远距离投送的一个初步转变,其实也是向外界宣布,中国要扩大制海制空权。
  同时,外界还注意到,空军的歼-10正在担负起传统意义上由海军航空兵负责的部分空战任务,这表明中国海空军的联合作战能力正在走向深入。未来作战中,不分兵种,针对共同目标,情报共享、一体计划运筹、联合指挥、联合作战、联合保障将是不可变更的大方向。而联合作战中空中力量往往是首发和主力,“歼 -10出海”,另一特殊意义也在于此。



Senior Member
well, i say, let's get this baby operational and produce it in numbers to replace the remaining j-7 1:1!

We still see J10A being produced just days ago. Likely J10B won't be produced until A is almost done.
Doubt PLAAF needs J10B so urgently that they open a separate production line at CAC.


J-10B has significant modification to the exterior. This alteration to the exterior means change to aerodynamics, and together with the installment of a new engine, the J-10B is a completely new plane which requires flight tests to start from scratch. The new engine and change in aerodynamics also require the FBW to be rewritten, which means the FBW system has to be tested all over again. New AESA radar and EW suite means new weapon system, and this too has to be tested starting from the beginning.

From prototype to achieving IOC, J-10A took a total of 8 years. First flight of J-10B took place on 2008, so following the same time table IOC would be achieved in 2016. If we were to use a more optimistic time line of 6 years, it would still be 2014 before IOC is achieved.


J-10B has significant modification to the exterior. This alteration to the exterior means change to aerodynamics, and together with the installment of a new engine, the J-10B is a completely new plane which requires flight tests to start from scratch. The new engine and change in aerodynamics also require the FBW to be rewritten, which means the FBW system has to be tested all over again. New AESA radar and EW suite means new weapon system, and this too has to be tested starting from the beginning.

From prototype to achieving IOC, J-10A took a total of 8 years. First flight of J-10B took place on 2008, so following the same time table IOC would be achieved in 2016. If we were to use a more optimistic time line of 6 years, it would still be 2014 before IOC is achieved.

I don't know about that engineer.. while it is true the Bravo is a significant change I wouldn't necessarily call it a 'completely new' plane...take the super hornet and 'regular' hornet for ex.... I would say there are more differences there... if China actually takes 8 years from first flight to IOC for the B, then I say shame on them unless it is done on purpose.
They should be able to field the B next year which would be approx 5 long years after first flight. I think that type of timeline is more appropriate for a newer version with significant change.


Chengfei Iron Fist On Quality Issue

成飞铁腕“质量整风” 违反工艺纪律频次有效下降




Auto Translation

CAC iron fist "quality rectification" in violation of the disciplinary process of the frequency decline

Quality rectification "in the aircraft industry fly into the quality management department recently released the first half of 2012, data show that, from August last year to June this year, staff of the frequency of violations of the disciplinary process has remained at a relatively low level. The company through quality rectification ", an iron fist remediation process discipline, the shape of industrial civilization, literacy has been achieved certain effects. Fly into the "quality rectification began in 2010. For the remnants of the slack and opportunistic ideas in the minds of some workers, the quality rectification "focuses on shaping the system plus the implementation of the core industrial civilization literacy. The past two years, the CAC process, operation, inspection personnel and customer representatives formed a "combine" the Working Group on the review, evaluation, right up to more than 50,000 technical papers, over 10,000 copies of technical documents to expand the quality optimization, which improve the operability of the technical documentation and documentation level, solid technical foundation of Compliance mourning. At the same time, the CAC subordinate professional factory, the business sector to the corporate level, Cengcengbaguan strict inspection, strict examination, pay close attention to the implementation of the disciplinary process. The company party organizations into the center and actively launched as a big discussion in the form of staff to ferret out the bad habits of the quality work, brainstorming looking for solutions, and strive to enhance the level of quality. Through two years of solid work, to fly the full sense of quality has been significantly enhanced. In June 2011, a year ago, the average duration of each check to find out the frequency of workers in violation of the disciplinary process, or 0.89, to June this year has dropped to 0.38 for 10 consecutive months and remained at a low level. In addition, all kinds of quality audit, inspection and evaluation, as well as user satisfaction survey, CAC level of quality management, product quality status of quality management system to give a higher rating. (Yin Tao)

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