According to CCTV the Second Division achieved a 1:18 kill ratio in the latest mock air to air battle.
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Interesting, but for those who's Chinese reading skills are weak, care to summarize? Who were they flying against? Were they 'Red' or 'Blue'? Also my information on the 2nd Fighter Division might be a little rusty, what aircraft were they using?
I wonder if the US/NATO will ever invite PLAAF to exercises like Red Flag etc. Only then will we truly know the capabilities and competencies of the PLAAF in real world scenerios.
I think the Second Division is on the "Red Team" (good guys) this time and they were matched up against the 3rd and 30th air division. CCTV showed footages of J-11s and J-8s during the broadcast but since the channel is notorious for posting wrong pictures of aircrafts, no one is sure.
p.s. Just a little update the kill ratio wasn't 1:18. It was 1:13. The J-10s shot down 18 out of 18 DRONES during the exercise. Sorry for the mixup.
Err I think you mean 13:1 -- as in they killed thirteen enemy aircraft for one of their own? If it was the other way round then I'd be very surprised and nervous.