11月8日珠海航展现场,歼十首席试飞员雷强在接受媒体采访的过程中透露了一些信息。他表示,国产“太行” 发动机已进入部队服役,他个人对于“太行”的性能非常满意,并且认为“太行”的性能要超过俄制 AL-31FN。
November 8 Zhuhai Airshow site, Jian Shi (J-10) Lei Qiang(雷强), chief test pilot course in an interview revealed some information. He said that China-made "Taihang" engine has entered the military service, he was personally "Taihang" very satisfied with the performance, and that the "Taihang" performance to more than Russian-made AL-31FN.
Jian Shi(J-10) Yan Feng(严锋, 24th Division Commander of PLAAF), another pilot said, Jian Shi(J-10) and the Carrier Variant will soon have.