I think you are missing the whole point. If you want peace doesn't mean big bully will just stay at one side leaving you alone when you are glamourous with all the gold around you but you don't even have a big gun with you.
Powerful military with projection power ensure continue stability and growth. Imagine,next few month Saudi declare they are not going to sell anymore oil no matter how much u pay them? Australia declare , they are not going to export any mineral resources to China too at any price.
What do u think will happen to China stock market? No to mention the word 'Growth'. In these ever chaning world. Its hard to predict the next step, and what will happen?
My example might be a bit too extreme but I hope China will be well prepare for such scenario in the next 10 years with military to strike anywhere and ensure stability in any part of the world.
Growth is the key for China stability. Military projection might is one of the key ingredient for sustaining this growth.
True. Military projection and strenght is very important in many sense, and it would ensure the country's capability to defend herself aganist all adversary. However military growth must be in line with economy growth and not the other way round.
China's current power projection as compared to many of the western countries such as US, England, France and most probably Germany, is still not on par... especially as compared to US.
To have massive number of J-10 and keeping them in China is not a way to do things. It would still go back to the basic principal that China would fight the war within her own land.
However if she has more carriers, she might be able to bring battles away from motherland.
The reason for US to have so many F-16 and F-15 was not to keep those assets in homeland, but to deploy them overseas in foreign land. US had throughout the years build up huge number of foreign bases either by international diplomatic moves or bullying them into submission, but China do not have that luxury.
So from what I can see, China's number of J-10 is adequate at this moment. they should be equiping themselves with carriers and carrier capable fighters like the Su-33 (or China's equivalent), J-10X (carrier capable J-10) rather than build huge number of J-10 as suggested by someone (not you of course) from this forum.
Therefore the key to power projection was not J-10, it would be future CBG, nuclear subs, long-range strategic bombers and LPD. and as a useful deterrence against enemies of Motherland would be all the DF series of tactical missiles, ASBM, ASAT, DF-31A and future ballistic and cruise missiles.
J-10 is only good for defending motherland from foreign aggressors and most probably used in battle with Taiwan, SK and Japan in future scenarios (if it come to past) because of her limited range.