Its interesting that most of the August 1st J10s seem to be twin seaters, which would suggest that these are new, and possibly custom, built airframes. When I first heard reports that the Aug 1st were getting J10s, I assumed they would be getting some early production birds, possibly the CFTE birds, with all new buids going to front line units.
It would suggest that the PLAAF has decided to slow the pace of J10 induction if they managed to squeeze capacity for their display team to get new build J10s instead of focusing on building up new regiments as fast as possible.
I wonder if this is because of the advanced stage the J10B has reached and the PLAAF is just waiting for testing to be completed to go with that over getting more J10As.
or it could be that their production line is so strong that they have no problem making a few extra ones for the display team.
or the govn't decides that displaying the new capabilities of the PLAAF is also very crucial to the national defense and is worth diverting and dedicating a few resources. Changing foreign nations' perception of a background PLAAF and giving Chinese people more confidence of their own military and their govn't may be very important to the leadership. We all know that THE priority of the Chinese govn't is domestic stability. Showing off the powerful and advanced military, i.e J-10, may be a good way of doing it, which is the reason for the elaborate National Day parade...